Zodiac Signs

Which domestic animal are you, according to your zodiac sign

Find out which domestic animal represents you, according to your zodiac sign!


You are a cat. Why?

  • you toss and turn a lot before you fall asleep
  • you speak cat to manipulate
  • you ask for attention
  • you are very noisy when you are angry or bored


You are a cow. Why?

  • you prefer to relax in nature
  • you have piercings
  • you go out of your mind when you get angry
  • you stare at someone without saying a word


You are a llama. Why?

  • you are not afraid to fight to show that you dominate
  • you love freedom and life
  • you do a little of each
  • you are known for your high-pitched voice


You are a chicken.


  • you hate to fight, but you do if you have to
  • you are constantly worried
  • you absolutely scream every morning
  • you give your life for the person you love


You are a horse. Why?

  • you run until your lungs give out
  • you prefer to be alone, but you also like to socialize
  • it takes effort for people to gain your trust
  • you never do anything by stealth


You are a jerk. Why?

  • only attack if your personal space is invaded
  • you have a unique laugh
  • you rarely do what you are asked to do
  • you don’t look but you love


You are a dog.


  • you miss the company, but you can also have fun alone
  • your biggest fear is upsetting someone
  • you notice everything
  • you have an innate tendency to lead


You are a pig. Why?

  • you are very smart when you are motivated
  • anger and pleasure sound the same to you
  • you prefer to live in disorder and chaos
  • attack if someone invades your space


You are a sheep. Why?

  • always run away from any problem
  • appreciate the herd effect for survival purposes
  • known for hairstyle changes
  • a little too curious


You are a camel.


  • you like to play in nature
  • you always expect the worst
  • sleep on your feet
  • you have strange greetings with friends


You are a ferret. Why?

  • you need space to explore and conquer
  • you are very talkative when you are excited
  • you’re scared when you’re nervous
  • you are constantly working on several things at once


You are a fish. Why?

  • you don’t do very many things on a normal day
  • you are more sentimental than rational
  • you are calm until someone or something disturbs you
  • you look great when you’re stressed

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