Zodiac Signs

Which Zodiac Sign Are You Most Emotionally Compatible With?

Aries and Sagittarius

A scary relationship? This is the fame that some have created for Aries and Sagittarius, but the truth is that they are proof that two fire signs can love each other madly, respect each other, and validate their emotions. Aries is the pioneer, the ambitious, the one who never allows others to get in the way of his decisions. It is so risky that his heart is full of emotions that he does not tell anyone about it. However, with Sagittarius, you feel understood, loved, and listened to. Sagittarius is like a wild child, who is not afraid of Aries’ projects, on the contrary, they encourage him to follow his intuition. They form a perfect duality, they can be relaxed enjoying the little things and from one moment to the next passion makes them change paths. They come to love each other so much that they forgive each other their arguments very quickly.

Taurus and Cancer

Honestly, Taurus has a hard time opening his heart, he is suspicious and when it comes to starting a relationship, he moves at a very slow pace. Your goal is to confirm if you are on safe ground while enjoying everything. He is one of those who bet on moments, a collector of wonderful moments. Taurus is generous, he is full of energy and he likes to solve, he is not one of those who wait for love to enter his life to fix everything for him. He wants a companion and nothing more. This fits perfectly with the way Cancer sees life, a sensitive, sweet, and protective sign that seeks to honor the home, that is, he likes stability and long-term relationships. Once met, they hardly let go, both commit and peace is their flag.

Gemini and Libra

It is practically impossible for Gemini and Libra not to understand each other. From their first conversations, the words flow, an inexplicable and beautiful connection, one of those that never ends in this life or others. Gemini has the gift of making Libra say everything, even the most painful things, and their intention is not to hurt him, it simply helps him realize that despite his wounds, he can be intensely loved. Libra feels very appreciated next to Gemini. Although there are times when Gemini has no filters and can be a little reckless, but this is counterbalanced by the mature side of Libra. When these two crazy lovers decide to share their lives, they experience unforgettable things, they both meet their expectations and are overflowing with energy. That is when they understand why it has not worked with anyone else.

Leo and Aquarius

Two opposite signs? That’s what those who run away from true love say. Leo and Aquarius are a bomb in every way. When they are together, they do not want to stop kissing, hugging, and pleasing each other. In addition, their conversations end until they fall asleep, and they hardly get bored. Leo is intense, romantic, and has so much generosity in his soul that awakens a side of Aquarius that few people know. On the other hand, Aquarius is enterprising and rebellious, he likes to dream big and this is very attractive to Leo. Both men can recognize that they have enormous potential if they stay together and that as long as they focus on their goals, what others say does not matter. They always want more in everything.

Virgo and Scorpio

Order is essential for Virgo, he is very organized and likes to feel in control. This means that when something does not go as he hopes, his emotions can overflow. However, he always has a plan B., Virgo is not the type of person who dreams of someone coming to save him from his chaos. On the contrary, he wants a love that does not flee when his dark side becomes present. If this love remains, you will fall in love with the loving, deep, and loyal part of you. This love, without a doubt, can be Scorpio. When they get involved, they do it with caution, because they do not trust anyone who tells them nice words. However, Virgo discovers that Scorpio has an emotional and intense side that makes him feel like the most loved and important person in this world. If they fall in love, they do not let go, one takes refuge in the other and they can last for years.

Capricorn and Pisces

The most beautiful mix between earth and water, a love that comes from past lives and that is why since they met they feel happy. Capricorn is much more closed than Pisces when it comes to showing his emotions, this has to do with his personality, but also with the wounds he has had to face. However, when he reaches the arms of Pisces, fears disappear little by little. Pisces allows Capri to feel validated in all areas of her life and this gives her a lot of confidence, she knows that what comes out of her mouth will not be considered nonsense. On the other hand, Capricorn helps Pisces to achieve their dreams and becomes their guide and this can lead them to success. Pisces hesitates to follow his heart, but Capri makes him weigh the scales before getting carried away. The two admire each other so much that it is very common for them to show off in front of others. Once they love each other, they shout it from the rooftops.

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