Zodiac Signs

Which Zodiac Signs Are Born In September And What Is Their Character?

Whether you want to know the astrological sign of your new crush or your child to be born in September: we present to you the natives of September.

If their personalities may seem mixed, it is not only because they are seasonal fruits. These two members of the zodiac born in September are children of the in-between, of mid-season, and sometimes, of the equinox. A detail, for some, but which is rich in meaning for astrology. In this art of interpretation, each season and its symbols play a major role. And yes, the personality attached to the astrological signs depends largely on their season of birth, but also on their birthday month. Who are the children of September, according to the stars?

Until September 23: the Virgo

Like all astrological signs that are ending their season, Virgo is one of the four mutable signs. Their characteristic? Adapting to new things, taking things further, going deeper. And the back-to-school native applies herself to it. Known for being the most serious of the zodiac, Virgo is considered an outstanding hard worker. In this area, she has everything going for her. The Earth element gives her pragmatism and her unfailing humility, while her flagship planet, Mercury (mental) bequeaths her curiosity and her desire to understand everything. The type to analyze things thoroughly and decipher every detail, Virgos have a reputation as perfectionists, even “control freaks.”

Yes, we are not the astrological sign of the start of the school year for nothing. On her good days, she is the type to find solutions to all problems, capable of learning anything thanks to her perseverance and patience. In her worst moments, Virgo can give in to her chronic dissatisfaction, stress if everything is not perfect, self-deprecation, or intensely judge others. However, in her relationships, Virgo is rather the one who encourages and lends more helping hands than she has hands. Ultra competent and endowed with a sense of duty of reinforced concrete, she likes to be of service and get her hands dirty. Zero ego, 100% available to put up place. In short, we can always count on Virgos!

From September 23: Libra

They take over from the autumn equinox (note that the dates of the astrological signs vary for this reason): Libra reigns over the last part of September. It’s still sunny, but the changeable weather allows passers-by to wear both t-shirts and down jackets. Look no further, it’s a real Libra time! Because those born in the center of the zodiac and at the time of year when day and night are equal represent the happy medium. The “half and half”, and the “yes, but at the same time” are their weapons of choice. Libra, an intellectual Air sign, likes to sort things out and find the right compromises that suit everyone. Their planet, Venus, is that of harmony, union, and beauty. It gives Libra diplomatic qualities, a talent for bringing others together (even the most opposing profiles), and a certain good taste.

Sociable, charming, and attentive, she knows how to anticipate the desires and needs of others. Which makes her a delightful person to be around, a competitive communicator, but also, sometimes, a “people pleaser”. By dint of wanting to please everyone, Libra can fall into hypocrisy or even fade away, from herself and her opinions. For fear of displeasing, she can give up expressing her individuality. And what a shame, when we know her artistic talents and her values ​​of justice and fairness! In our humble opinion, everyone should have (at least) one Libra in their life.

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