Zodiac Signs

Why Is Taurus The Best Astrological Sign?

For those who still doubted it, here is exactly why the Taurus sign is the best of all. In all astrological objectivity, this goes without saying.

If we want to be completely honest, there are no astrological signs better than others. But occasionally, sending flowers is far from being a health hazard. Truth be told, we’re not lying when we tell you that each of the twelve members of the zodiac is one of a kind, perfect in their way, and the best in their field. Yes, we can also give you 10 good reasons to dump a Taurus, if it works for you. But here, we are mainly to display the qualities of the sign with the big hooves.


In the Western zodiac, each sign has its place and role. Taurus is the second and comes just after the flame of Aries, the pioneer of the stars. The work of Taurus, after this spark of Aries life? (Re)sit down and enjoy it. It is the sign that takes root, takes place, and is incarnated in the (good) flesh. Aries is the Big Bang, and Taurus is the birth of life. Just that. This is why this Earth sign is associated with nature, whether for its need for abundance, its love of beauty, or its strength of character.

Who says sign of fertility and life, also says sensuality and enjoyment. The Taurus sign is the ultimate bon vivant of the zodiac. An Epicurean, he loves what is beautiful, and what is good, and is not ashamed of his body or his desires. It must be said that the astrological house which corresponds to Taurus is the second: that of the body and finances. Taurus knows how to live well, he has a taste and he is generous. Like Sagittarius, he doesn’t see why he should choose between quality and quantity: after all, you only live once. His love of beauty brings him closer to Libra with whom he shares his favorite planet: Venus, a star of love and beauty. Hence his multiple artistic talents.


Yes, Taurus has a creative soul and he likes to get his hands dirty. Cooking, crafts, painting, modeling: he touches everything. He is also said to be gifted in music and singing because, fun fact, the part of the body that Taurus represents in the zodiac is the throat. It is also said that he is the most sensual of all the signs and that he is a cordon bleu, like Cancer. Where his Earth sign acolytes (Virgo and Capricorn) lean towards the very strict and responsible side of the trio, Taurus enjoys a much more friendly and relaxed image. He is said to be the most peaceful and “chill” of the three Earth signs.

Loyalty is his priesthood, honesty his standard. Taurus is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac, those on whom we can count and rest in the event of a problem. Stable, reliable and always preparing snacks, they are a special shoulder to cry on on a down evening. Authentic to the tips of his horns, Taurus doesn’t know how to play, pretend, or lie. With them, “what you see is what you get” (you get what you see), and that’s why we love them.

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