Zodiac Signs

Your Weekly Horoscope Indicates That You Will Meet Someone New (Or Fall In Love)

Things happen when you least expect them. Your horoscope for the week of May 12 to 18 suggests that you are preparing to cross a portal into the future. Unexpected changes and upheavals await you, so fasten your seat belt and enjoy this unpredictable ride.

Astrologers expected the Taurus season in 2024 to be a more chaotic and exciting experience than usual. Taurus, the fixed earth sign of stability and reliability, will unite with Uranus, the planet of innovation, rebellion, and social progress, on May 13. This could encourage you to adopt radical attitudes, to embody avant-garde ideas. You are not required to follow conventional standards or conform to the expectations of others, so why should you?

Fortunately, Venus, the planet of love and ruler of Taurus, will also form a harmonious aspect to Saturn on May 13, helping us approach these changes with more grace and with an eye toward long-term sustainability.

Taurus season will gain even more momentum on May 15, when Mercury, the talkative and intellectual communicator, enters this sensual and pragmatic sign. Mercury in Taurus may not be quick or rushed, but it encourages us to pause and think before we act. It also opens a window of communication based on truth, pragmatism, and the implementation of thoughtful plans.

However, a major drawback is that it can lead to stubborn thinking and extreme slowness in responding to emails and text messages. What about phone calls? You can forget about them when Mercury enters Gemini on June 3rd.

Conversations could take a dark and intense turn between now and May 17, when Mercury forms a square with Pluto, the detective and destroyer, revealing what’s behind the lies. Be careful not to get drawn into manipulative situations or come into contact with unreliable and dishonest people.

You can prepare for the tumult of Taurus season to impact your relationships and financial situation between now and May 18, when Venus, the planet of love and luxury, joins revolutionary Uranus. Instability will influence what you value, and some relationships may end while others begin. You might meet someone new and even feel love at first sight. However, it could also lead to unexpected expenses, financial losses, and gains.

This will all come to a magnificent climax on May 18, when the Sun in Taurus aligns with Jupiter, the planet of expansion and extravagance. This could lead to a major conclusion that will boost your self-confidence and give you a better grasp of your identity. You might feel excess in one area of ​​your life, particularly in love and finances. Something is about to get overwhelming and intense.

Here’s what you can expect for your horoscope for the coming week, based on your Sun sign and/or rising sign:

Aries weekly horoscope

This week, you could gain access to a new source of income or make way for an unexpected windfall.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will bring breakthroughs in your second house of finances and material goods, prompting you to redistribute your funds.

By May 17, you may find yourself going against the grain and rejecting normal societal norms, especially when it comes to what you value. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, other people may pressure you to give up your individuality and join the bandwagon. You have every right to stick to your guns.

You may want to make an impulse purchase between now and May 18, as Venus pairs up with Uranus in your luxurious second house. Spend your money on something that takes you into the future rather than keeping you in your comfort zone. A Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus taps into your propensity to create wealth, allowing you to reap more of the stuff.


This week you might reveal a new layer of your personality and overall appearance.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction in Taurus will bring about breakthroughs in your identity, inspiring you to get a dramatic new haircut or break free from an inhibiting perspective of who you are. Embrace your inner rebel.

By May 17, you could become a force for public change, especially through your career. As Mercury in Taurus clashes with Pluto, you may find the courage to disagree with the status quo or stand up to someone who has authority over you. Be strategic in your response rather than aimlessly insubordinate.

On May 18, Venus in Taurus will partner with Uranus, bringing your relationships and fashion sense into a new era. You might celebrate your growth by dating someone unexpectedly, leaving an unfulfilling relationship behind, or buying clothes you never thought you’d wear. A Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus will make you a magnet for luck, thus increasing your confidence.

Gemini weekly horoscope

This week you may have a sudden revelation or receive an unexpected psychic download.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will bring a burst of clarity to your 12th house of invisible energies, inspiring you to step back from the limelight and explore your hidden depths.

By May 17, you may realize that your inner truth no longer aligns with what has always been believed, especially when it comes to your spiritual and philosophical beliefs. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, you may engage in religious or intellectual debates, reinforcing new ideas and questioning old ones.

You might start crushing on someone long distance or making a date with a secret lover by May 18, as Venus joins forces with Uranus in your 12th house of omitted truths. Enjoy this respite from the world, but don’t lose track of reality. A Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus strengthens your intuition and paves the way for prophetic dreams.


This week, you might join a movement, become friends with a new group, or make waves at a networking event.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will bring innovation to your 11th house of community and ideals, helping you harness revolutionary ideas that could increase your notoriety and lead you to the right people.

Between now and May 17, threats of disclosing confidential information could arise, provoking deeply held truths and hidden agendas that will dampen your plans, especially when it comes to your emotional and financial ties. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, you may be forced to navigate the politics of a new set of social dynamics, as well as confront other strategies and loyalties.

You might start crushing on a friend by May 18, as Venus joins forces with Uranus in your 11th house of platonic connections. Let unexpected encounters inspire you to go the distance. A Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus expands your social circle and increases the likelihood that people will support your dreams.

Leo weekly horoscope

This week, the cosmos sends flashes of change and momentum to your career.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will cause a storm in your 10th house of social hierarchies and public image, changing your influence in your professional sphere. You might accept an unexpected promotion or suddenly decide to quit your dead-end job.

Between now and May 17, your reputation could go against the agreements you have made with other people, knowingly or unknowingly. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, you may accidentally — or intentionally — ruffle a few feathers, leading you to question whether someone is truly your ally or your enemy.

You may want to launch a new partnership or career by May 18, as Venus partners with Uranus in your 10th house of publicity. Prepare for polarizing reactions to your sudden rebranding. A Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus helps you make waves and make a name for yourself.


This week, you could experience a breakthrough in your studies that will open up a new perspective for you.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will send lightning bolts through your ninth house of philosophies and big-picture thinking, paving the way for mind-blowing experiences that will completely change your understanding of something.

On May 17, you may feel overwhelmed by the demands of your daily life, leading you to rebel against your responsibilities. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, you might crave spontaneity in a way that derails your routine. Life is too short to be predictable, so you may need to request an extension of time or reschedule a few appointments.

You may want to go on an exciting vacation or visit an unexpected place between now and May 18, as Venus partners with Uranus in your ninth house of adventure. You might even meet someone exciting on your journey, as a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus wants to fully immerse you in new experiences and help you make the most of your squeeze.

Libra weekly horoscope

This week, you could win big in the stock market or get an unexpected return on your investment.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction in your eighth house of financial commitments increases the likelihood that you’ll make a lucky bet. All you have to do is roll the die.

By May 17, feelings of helplessness or insecurity could infect your relationships, leading to feelings of distrust that cause you to play passive-aggressive mind games. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, there could be a back-and-forth in romance, revealing a lover’s true nature and hidden intentions. No feeling of passion or ecstasy deserves to be treated with disrespect.

You could become intimate with someone new and unexpected by May 18, as Venus joins forces with Uranus in your eighth house of merging energies and attachments. You might be surprised by how quickly things move, as a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus strengthens feelings of emotional closeness and long-term commitment.


This week you may experience some upheaval in your one-on-one partnerships.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will take place in your seventh house of allies and enemies, causing unexpected separations and introductions. You may even be processing or getting used to a major relationship breakthrough.

By May 17, you may find that the demands of your family are causing conflict in your relationship, leading you to set boundaries that define your commitments and set the terms of your lifestyle. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, you may also realize that trauma from your upbringing or early childhood has a direct impact on your relationship, forcing you to recognize what needs to be healed.

You might meet someone or part ways with someone who will change the trajectory of your life around May 18th. Venus will join forces with Uranus in your relationship-focused seventh house, and relationship development could develop, symbolic of the progress you’ve made. A Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus increases the importance of the “other half” in your life.

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

This week, spontaneous interventions could occur at work and/or lead to the discovery of unexpected problems.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will shake things up in your sixth house of diets and routines, forcing you to rethink the habits you adopt. You can find a whole new way to accomplish your daily tasks and strengthen your mind-body connection.

By May 17, you may find that miscommunications and conflicting opinions are leading to friction. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, you may find that there is a big difference between what we say and what we do. Establish integrity in the way you communicate. Make sure you work with people who deliver on their promises.

You might meet someone exciting at work around May 18, as Venus joins forces with Uranus in your sixth house of daily jobs and co-workers. This person could be a source of joy and wisdom as you engage in your daily tasks, as the Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus increases your productivity and level of self-care.


This week, there’s a good chance you’ll have a creative breakthrough or discover an exciting new hobby.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will bring innovation to your fifth house of self-expression, forcing you to reconnect with your inner child and do something you’ve always dreamed of doing since you were a child.

By May 17, you may find that this new hobby or creative spark could be costing you time, energy, and money. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, you may be frustrated by the cost of your desires. To spend or not to spend? Don’t underestimate how this hobby could eventually become a new source of income.

There’s a good chance you’ll fall in love at first sight around May 18, as Venus partners with Uranus in your fifth house of crushes and romance. This person might be someone who isn’t your usual “type,” which will make you rethink what you’re attracted to. A Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus helps you access a deeper understanding of pleasure and desire.

Aquarius weekly horoscope

This week, you might decide to rearrange your living space, move to a new home, or welcome a new family member when you least expect it.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will cause a revolution in your fourth house of domestic duties, leading to innovation in your understanding of what makes a home so pleasant.

By May 17, you may witness your spiritual evolution and feel frustrated by some of how you are changing. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, you may find that what you used to find comforting and nourishing no longer does anything for you, paving the way for inner conflicts that challenge your sense of security.

You’ll be able to reconnect with a family member and form a whole new connection with them between now and May 18, as Venus joins forces with Uranus in your cozy fourth house. You might even want to splurge on new furniture or decor because a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus wants you to feel more at home than ever.


This week you might discover game-changing information that will help you solve a major problem.

On May 13, a Sun-Uranus conjunction will bring a sudden burst of light to your third house of communication, paving the way for stimulating exchanges and topics that intrigue you. Get ready to activate a new way for your mind to work.

On May 17, you may feel like something isn’t being said, which will make you think someone isn’t telling you the truth. As Mercury clashes with Pluto, someone’s hidden intentions may not be revealed by their words. Pay attention to what history has always proven to be true. Trust your instincts when something seems strange.

You might make friends with someone new or move on with a cousin or sibling by May 18. Venus will partner with Uranus in your third house of daily encounters, which could lead to sudden connections that change your relationship with someone. Expect your social circle to expand, because a Sun-Jupiter conjunction in Taurus wants you to speak your mind and learn from others.

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