Zodiac Signs

Your zodiac sign’s worst personality trait

Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t, but astrology will tell you straight to your face what your worst personality trait is and what’s wrong with you, based on your zodiac sign!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Insistent, arrogant, defensive.

Aries is a warrior, but he’s the type to push the envelope if he doesn’t get what he set out to do. Not to mention the fact that there is only one right opinion and that’s his, because he’s an Aries and that means he’s always right and his opinion can’t be challenged, ever!

He’s the most determined sign of the zodiac and will step over dead bodies to get where he wants to go. What’s even more wrong with him is that he actually thinks he’s always right.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)


The reputation that Taurus has is that of an extremely stubborn person. And yes, it is unpleasant company.

While he thinks he is admired for sticking to his positions, what is really happening is that he acts on instinct, without listening to anyone else. His stubbornness and boldness may work for him, but it certainly doesn’t work for anyone else. 

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)


The Gemini “can’t make up my mind” thing tires everyone out.

We all know that Gemini is twins, and that means double personality, double confusion, and double hesitation when it comes to making a decision.

What’s wrong with these natives is that they never make that decision, and while others wait, they seem to ignore them anyway. They live in their own world and have no room for anyone else.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)


What is wrong with this native is that he lies a lot and everyone knows it.

He tries to convince others that he is perfect, but the truth is that he is just an ordinary person, like all of us.

Those around him would welcome him into their lives with open arms, but unfortunately this is impossible due to his fakeness. No one believes him!

Leo(July 22 – August 22)


Leo is a show that doesn’t always have what it takes to back it up. Yes, Leo loves the limelight and hogging the spotlight, but no one ever said he had any real talent to back it up. Just because he’s interested in art doesn’t automatically mean he’s an artist.

Leo is delusional, he thinks he’s better than he actually is.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)


What’s wrong with Virgo is that she’s so judgmental that it seems like absolutely nothing suits her, ever.

She isolates and excludes everyone in her life, and sooner or later even those who love or adore her eventually realize who she really is and simply avoid her.

He may sometimes want and propose to stop condemning and criticizing everyone, but he actually can’t. 

Libra(September 23 – October 22)


Libra is passive-aggressive to the core, someone who approves of anything and anyone just to avoid confrontation.

What is wrong with her is not that she is too kind, but because she is not honest out of a desire not to argue with anyone. He will flee the scene to escape the conflict. What is very obvious is that he can’t speak his mind, and people can’t stand this attitude.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)


Yes, Scorpio believes and wants to show that he is the best. He can’t change, he’s stuck in his. He has his own religion and his own way and wants to find followers at any cost.

This native should open his eyes and take a look at all the people who just don’t care to follow his path. 

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)


Sagittarius’ need to be alone and isolated isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but being a person who doesn’t want to deal with others at all gets a little boring after a while.

Yes, Sagittarius is boring. He is so absorbed in his own world that he forgets the simple things in life, such as friendship or love for another human being.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)


What is wrong with this native is that he represses his feelings again and again and then finally one day it all comes out.

Emotional build-up often causes him to be vengeful and spiteful. He’s a friendship destroyer, and he’ll do it on a whim, because when he explodes, he doesn’t really care who gets hurt.

The truth is, he likes hearing the sound of his own voice a little too much, and he likes it best when he’s choking someone else. 

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)


Aquarius likes to keep quiet. It’s all good until people understand why he’s doing it: because he plans to destroy them.

Aquarius is the kind of person who steals someone else’s partner and lies to get where they want to go. He is the liar who pretends to be innocent, but in reality he is a scheming manipulator working in the shadows.

What’s wrong with him is that he’s not honest, and he’s lying really hard and with full intent.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Too sensitive.

Pisces are extremely sensitive. This means that they are also perceived as the most naive and weak. Too sensitive, too emotional, too, too!

This is not only true, it’s boring. Life is hard enough for anyone, and nothing makes it harder than having that person around who cries, whines, and hogs all the attention constantly.

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