Zodiac Signs

3 Zodiac Signs Make A Fresh Start In March 2023: A Series of Happy Events Awaits Them

“Your transformation will bear my name,” will sing Pluto in Aquarius at 3 zodiac signs as March arrives. Indeed, spring promises to be jovial and promising for the natives under these constellations who will now be bathed in happiness, success, and money. They will experience a series of events that will change the course of their lives, and it will be Saturn in Pisces who will tame their intuition with its wisdom. What a beautiful combination of energies!

What if you could start your life all over again? The planet of metamorphosis is at the door, those who open it will have their rewards… The magic of Mars will come to materialize the most extreme dreams of the three signs of the zodiac. Let’s discover them…

Which zodiac signs will experience a series of happy events in March 2023?


It is not for nothing that Aries will attract an interesting network in March: naturally enthusiastic and original, they easily inspire people with their presence and their charisma.

You Aries focus fully on yourselves to invest in your skills as well as your organizational and leadership abilities. Result: you are an unbeatable leader and have the potential to manage a strong team that will believe in you and adheres to your perspectives.

For you, work is above all a philosophy of life. You naturally take initiative and dare to launch new projects without fearing them too much. Therefore, it’s just obvious that money revolves around you as long as you know how to reinvest it and grow it.

Mars will ensure finances for Aries eager for work and learning, but not only… it will also put fabulous and loving people on their way with whom you will forge friendships or consider ephemeral love affairs. What is certain is that you are going to be completely amazed!

In love, your seduction will be in the wind so that no one can resist your charm or your sweetness. You will advance passionately but will not be dependent on your neighbor, so you will remain free birds…


Aquarians will choose lightness in early spring. How liberating to lay down the burden and watch life bloom around you!

Thus, the month of March will be peaceful for the representatives of the sign of Air who will be carried away by the breeze of the good weather.

That said, you will have the opportunity to chase away all the negative energies that could disturb your serenity and rob you of your little joys.

For your life to shine, the stars recommend that you focus on spirituality because it will guide you, enlighten you and harmonize you with all your senses, your feelings, and your fears.

Indeed, you become masters of yourselves when you develop the ability to listen to your inner voice, your body, and the fusion between the two. You will thus have the certainty that everything comes from you and comes back to you, no one intervenes in this quest for your person.

Allow yourself to be vulnerable to your ideas and your existential questions, it is through the bowels of darkness that light is born, believe in the process!

If March will have one thing to offer Aquarius, it will be the courage to dare to contemplate the universe to find their true reason for living.


Cheerful, dynamic, and ambitious, long-live spring! You will hover on a cozy cloud enjoying the energy of a new beginning.

Indeed, the transformation that Pluto has in store for you is above all linked to learning new disciplines that will be beneficial to your career. This is why, your rigor will be required in March to concretize several ideas and sharp projects, which without your commitment, will not be completed.

You know very well that achieving beautiful things requires patience and perseverance. The field is open, it’s up to you!

However, don’t be intimidated by the mumbling at first, you will eventually find your rhythm, develop a work routine, and plan your days better.

Scorpio friends, take advantage of the consistency of March to consolidate your achievements and work effectively according to well-studied rules and plans. As for finances, they will eventually bear fruit as long as you continue to believe in the wisdom and lucidity of this month.

It’s not over yet… March will come to calm you down on your heart side as well. Thus, you will maintain good communication with your partner to be on the same wavelength and improve your relationship intellectually. Good luck on this instructive journey!

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