Zodiac Signs

5 Zodiac Signs That Will Experience Suffering In May

For some zodiac signs, a dream comes true in May or they are positively surprised by life. For others, the stars aren’t quite as dazzling. We’ll tell you here whether you’re one of those who will have to expect suffering this month.


Taurus-born people lose a little of their lightheartedness in May. Mars makes you feel restless inside, which can manifest itself in sleepless nights, self-doubt, and stomach problems. Try not to think too much about everything this month and give yourself plenty of rest – then the negative feelings will disappear quickly.


Those born under the zodiac sign Aquarius need to take good care of their backs in May. Anyone who already has problems and regular pain should now check their sitting position – especially at a desk – even more closely and avoid carrying too much weight. Otherwise, the month could bring with it excruciating pain.


For those born in Leo, there will be a slight dip in mood in May, which will be triggered by Saturn. If you often have a bad mood and headaches this month, you know that there is a reason for this suffering. But at the same time that also means that it will pass again. Don’t bury your head in the sand!


The zodiac sign Virgo has a bit of a problem with its health in May. This month it could happen that your circulation is causing problems from time to time and you feel completely drained of energy and tired. What helps to keep the suffering as small as possible? Enough sleep, lots of exercise in the fresh air, and a balanced diet.


Cancer-born people may struggle a bit with a mental imbalance in May, which can also manifest itself in skin problems. How do you best counteract this? Instead of thinking about problems and worries all the time, you should now try to actively look for solutions and address them. Then you will feel better quickly.

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