Zodiac Signs

5 Zodiac Signs Who Will Have A Great Week From September 30th To October 6th, 2024


Aries, the beginning of the week will slowly unfold for you until it reveals your blessings. So be patient as the days go by. Mindfulness and focusing on positive experiences and peace will help you do this. Something will change on Thursday, October 3, and suddenly you will feel a surge of energy and confidence. Channel them where you want them, whether it is in your professional life, your projects, or a budding romance. You will succeed in whatever you undertake!


Capricorn, the beginning of the week may seem a little lethargic or slow, but don’t be discouraged. Something is brewing behind the scenes for you and this period is necessary for everything to go smoothly. You will notice signs and synchronicities of this. So, meet the cosmic forces halfway and you will know that they have your back! The second half of the week will be very important for you in terms of love and relationships. Time spent with family and children will bring you joy, pleasure, and even more blessings.


Cancer, this week’s energy for you has a fullness that can feel like a waxing moon approaching its full moon. We don’t have a full moon coming up, but rather a new moon solar eclipse on October 2nd that will usher us into a new waxing cycle. Yet this energy will linger. If you lean into it, it will strengthen your intuition and creative spark. For some of you, this energy can bring supernatural experiences to your doorstep, so continue to cleanse your space and aura to keep out the undesirables and attract only the good.

If you feel called to do so, we encourage you to spend more time with your loved ones. This will help you stay grounded and face scary moments in a lighter, more adventurous way.


Pisces, this week’s energy for you is focused on kindness, charity, and what you can do to be a light in the world. Make a list of small ways you can try to do this over the next few days. Your cosmic blessings are tied to being a blessing to someone else in whatever way speaks to your soul. The second half of the week will be a lot of fun for you. Be more outgoing at this time and embrace the good things that come your way. Who knows? Some of you may even meet your soulmate!


Taurus, the first half of the week will be a time for you to reflect on life and take your time. Sweet surprises await you on this path as well as beautiful conversations. The second half, however, will be more important for you, with strange challenges that the cosmos will throw at you. Take them on as best you can while staying true to yourself. This is a good time to ground yourself and find inner stability. You will finally understand a hidden side of your personality and you may also make a new friend!

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