Zodiac Signs

Beware, This Astrological Sign Will Blame Mercury Retrograde For All Its Blunders.

He heard that Mercury is in retrograde, and he intends to take advantage of it to flee all his responsibilities this August. This astrological sign intends to pull out a “retrograde” joker at the slightest problem. You have been warned.

“That didn’t fall on deaf ears.” That’s what this sign said to itself when it learned that Mercury was retrograding from August 5 to 29. Because for some, it’s a godsend. All sorts of problems are attributed to this astral configuration: Internet bugs, train breakdowns, delays of all kinds, and misunderstandings. Inevitably, since astrology’s return to favor, especially on social networks, Mercury has become the ideal scapegoat. Bad day? It’s retrograde again. Household incident? Mercury always sows trouble. And that suits some people more than others.

Mercury retrograde is a convenient excuse, with this astrological sign

In the zodiac as everywhere else, some people don’t like being in the spotlight. Not necessarily because they are too humble, but because it suits them: less responsibility necessarily means fewer possible blunders to take on. Those who know astrology are probably starting to see where we are going with this. They are one of the least responsible astrological signs of all, they always have a good excuse up their sleeve, namely: Pisces. First of all, their sensitive temperament, a fan of philosophical and spiritual questions, makes them particularly susceptible to astrology. Then, because their worst flaw is precisely a tendency to shirk responsibility.

In “Your Astral Theme and You” by Roberto L. Saula (Le Lotus & l’Éléphant editions) zooms in on the weaknesses of Pisces: “Chaotic, confused and impressionable, he has difficulty building the necessary limits to function in reality […] he can consider himself a victim of circumstances and evade his responsibilities by trying to escape reality.” For that, what is better than little superstitions and magical thoughts? So yes, Pisces will probably take advantage of this Mercury retrograde (like all the others) to unload their shoulders a little.

Why do Pisces never take responsibility for their mistakes?

Where do these faults that are attributed to the sign of Pisces come from? From the origins of astrology. In ancient times, Greek astrologers had assigned the planet Jupiter to Pisces: that of potential, of the absence of limits, of excesses. Hence this tendency to go too far, to easily turn a blind eye to the mistakes of others… as well as to one’s own. But after the discovery of Neptune (in 1848), it is the big blue named after the god of the oceans that we have, naturally, associated with the sign of Pisces. And Neptune represents precisely the immensity of possibilities, imagination, dreams, in short: the blurred boundaries between what is real and what is not. Which makes the sign of Pisces an artist, a poet, a musician… And also a formidable piper when necessary. Did he forget to buy your train tickets for the holidays? “Damn retrograde…”

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