Zodiac Signs

Do’s And Don’ts Of The 2024 Eclipse Season Through October 2nd

The Fall 2024 Eclipse Season

The fall eclipse season begins on September 18, 2024, with a lunar eclipse at 26 degrees Pisces. This will be followed by a solar eclipse on October 2, 2024, at 11 degrees Libra. Eclipses are often considered major transformational moments. They offer us opportunities to understand what we need to change in our lives to evolve more quickly.

Depending on their position in your birth chart, an eclipse can bring positive or negative events. They are often spectacular, revealing important information and offering news about significant life events.

Unexpected information can be revealed during an eclipse, and something can be completely eclipsed from (or in) your life. The energy of an eclipse begins to manifest several weeks before the event and can last for at least a month, or much longer.

Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18 in Pisces

The Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune. This moon is conjunct Neptune, the planet of spirituality, creativity, collective and individual consciousness, or unconscious feelings. Neptune is also the planet of lies, illusions, and deception, making this a double-edged period.

What to do :

Work on your creative projects: Take advantage of this period to move forward with your artistic or creative projects.

Release Negative Feelings: Try to release past energies and hurts that have been holding you back so you can start a new chapter.

Be attentive to spiritual needs: Explore and listen to your spiritual feelings or connections and show compassion to others.

Manifest Your Desires: Focus on what you truly want to attract into your life.

Let your imagination run wild: Express yourself creatively without restraint.

Explore the Metaphysical World: If you are interested, engage in healing, readings, or channeling.

What not to do:

Avoid illusions: Don’t wear rose-colored glasses and don’t let yourself be deceived in your relationships, whether romantic or financial.

Don’t believe anything that seems too good to be true: Be skeptical of exaggerated offers or promises.

Don’t contact your exes: Avoid rekindling past relationships that didn’t work out.

Don’t make impulsive investments: Don’t commit financially or otherwise to people you just met without careful evaluation.

Avoid Vices: Do not indulge in destructive behaviors like alcohol, as Pisces are susceptible to such habits.

Be safe on the water: Avoid reckless water activities.

Solar Eclipse October 2 in Libra

The October 2 solar eclipse is an annular solar eclipse, but it is only visible from the United States from Hawaii. This eclipse is in Libra, ruled by Venus, the planet of love, beauty, money, and values. Unfortunately, this eclipse is square Mars, which can lead to arguments, accidents, upsets, and breakups.

What to do :

Focus on your attractiveness: Enhance yourself with new clothes, makeup, and hairstyles, and adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

Spend time with loved ones: Enjoy quality time with the important people in your life.

Attend social events: Attend gatherings and social events to strengthen your connections.

Network: Take advantage of this time to expand your professional and personal network.

Manifest Love: If you are looking for love, focus on your intentions and desires.

Release Negative Energies: Work on moving past relationships and old traumas.

What not to do:

Don’t issue ultimatums: Avoid putting pressure on your relationships or causing unnecessary conflict.

Don’t overspend: Avoid impulse purchases of personal or beauty items.

Don’t Manipulate Others: Be sincere in your interactions and don’t let yourself be fooled by manipulation.

General Tips for Eclipses

Eclipse events can happen unexpectedly and you may have little or no control over some of the things that happen. Eclipses can speed up our perception of time and cause sudden events that are meant to highlight certain aspects of our lives. Keep an open mind and accept what you learn as you move forward.

Eclipses can reveal truths or the true nature of people around you. If this surprises you, accept it rather than deny it. Avoid doing or saying things that you might regret in the heat of the moment, and try to stay calm to be reasonable, both for yourself and for others.

Eclipses recur every 19 years, usually at about the same degree. You can consult an eclipse chart to see what was happening in your life during the last Pisces/Libra eclipses to better understand how they impact your life today.

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