Zodiac Signs

Here’s Your Sixth Sense Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Feel free to add it to your Instagram bio or resume. Whether you call it your sixth sense or your superpower, here’s what your incredible talent could be, based on your zodiac sign.

A little extra something, all astrological signs have one. From Aries to Pisces, each one has their package of qualities, flaws, potentials, and… yes, also, a little talent, hidden or not. Green fingers or lie detection? We give you yours according to your astrological sign.

Aries: The Internal Compass

If Aries is the first of the twelve astrological signs, there is a symbolic reason: it is the one who starts the movement and goes on an adventure. This is why Aries, an instinctive sign of Fire (with Leo and Sagittarius) is attributed to a very good sense of direction. And for one of the four cardinal signs, it is the least we can do, you might say.

Taurus: the five senses overdeveloped

Associated with sensations, Taurus is the most embodied sign of all. The proof: the astrological house that corresponds to it is house 2, that of our possessions, including our body. This is why it is said that the sign of Taurus, particularly close to its animal nature, would have particularly sharp senses.

Gemini: Understanding Every Point of View

A double sign associated with Mercury, the star of the mind, Gemini does not shy away from any contradiction or paradox. His favorite tarot card? The Lovers: the one that represents the existence of two points of view and presents the possibility of making a choice. Or not. This is why Gemini is said to be able to understand different ways of seeing things, instinctively.

Cancer: an elephant’s memory

A Cancer never forgets a face. Or a word. Or anything, for what it’s worth. At least, that’s what astrology says, which associates the sign of the crab with the Moon: a star symbolizing, among other things, memory and memories. This sixth sense would be particularly useful to Dancers during their arguments. That, and the screenshots they printed beforehand.

Leo: A gift with children

Because he has stayed in close contact with his not-so-inner child, Leo receives the rather enigmatic language of young children 5 out of 5. Associated with the Sun, creation, joy, and play, the sign of Leo is said to be particularly gifted with children. And yes, of course, pets count.

Virgo: the green thumb

They don’t believe in any sixth sense or any so-called talent: for them, there is only practice and patience. If the pragmatic and rigorous Virgos have such green fingers, it is linked to their element and their favorite asteroid. This Earth sign is known for making living prosper, but it is also linked to Ceres, the goddess of agriculture and crafts. In short, they are the “plant sitters” of your group of friends.

Balance: Finding the Right Words

Of the entire zodiac, Libra shines the most with its relational talents and its ease of bonding with others. It must be said that its planet, Venus, is that of relationships. It is often called a “people pleaser” but at least it always knows what to say to each person at the right time. And that is a quality sixth sense.

Scorpio: Lie Detection

No, it’s not (only) because they’re one of the most paranoid signs of the zodiac. Scorpios think too much for their own good, but that’s what allows them to detect every problem before it even happens. That’s the advantage of always thinking that you’re going to be betrayed: you’re never surprised. That, and the unbeatable intuition of Water signs.

Sagittarius: Follow your luck

In astrology, this Fire sign is considered to be particularly lucky. Why? Its planet, Jupiter, is that of growth and luck. Also, the sign of the centaur would then be excessively gifted at spotting windfalls, opportunities, in short: attracting luck and sensing which way the wind is blowing.

Capricorn: The Sense of Priorities

Just like Virgo, Capricorn will only read these lines to remind his colleagues that astrology is not scientific (which is true) and therefore has no value. The only meaning he will accept outside of the five senses is his oversized sense of priorities. This is the gift of the designated sign of Saturn, a planet of responsibilities and pretty much everything that is not fun. But at least he finishes his to-do list.

Aquarius: Seeing the Potential in Others

This collective sign flourishes fully in social life, by forming a community and acting in a group. But this Air sign is also and above all the visionary of the zodiac, the one who takes an enlightened and different look at things and people. Aquarius are said to be gifted at finding other ways of doing things, but their talent detection in others is less often praised.

Pisces: Great Empathy

The youngest of the zodiac, Pisces brings up the rear. This place among the twelve signs is not insignificant and gives it an ethereal, self-effacing side: it knows how to step back to listen to others. Combined with its great receptivity and sensitivity, this makes Pisces a great empath, capable of instinctively putting itself in the other’s shoes. Some astrologers also consider this sign to be the most mystical, it would have a privileged link with spirituality and even the afterlife, according to its beliefs.

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