Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: Mid-October Brings Luck To These Three Astrological Signs

Quickly find out who will be at the top of the cosmic podium between October 12 and 18, 2023.

This week, the stars are in our favor. If until now the multiple planets in retrograde generated tension, stress, and increased pressure, the situation is (finally) on the verge of unblocking. Pluto, the star of destruction, returns in a direct course, gradually erasing our doubts and our fears. We gently reconnect with trust. The key point that can change everything? A New Moon in Libra coupled with an eclipse appears in the sky this Saturday, October 14. Translation: we give our lives a new impetus. On the heart side as well as the professional side, the week will be most beneficial if you manage to capture the positive waves of the cosmos. This is where astrologer Jean-Yves Espié comes in. To help you better understand the coming days, he shares his forecasts for all the signs. Among the twelve horsemen of the zodiac, three seem particularly inspired. Money luck, a good mood, or a new project. Here are the three lucky ones between October 12 and 18, 2023.


He always sees the glass half full. The great optimist of the zodiac, Sagittarius proves to us once again that even when the Sun hides, we can create our light. This week, the last Fire sign shines. He is happy and intends to share his joy with the world around him. It is to the New Moon in the accomplice sector that it owes this renewed energy. “You are beginning a more pleasant period in terms of relationships,” assures the astrologer. Warm, sunny, and ready to do anything to have fun, Sagittarius is very inspiring. A true model. Communication is fluid and his smile warms the hearts of everyone around him. In other words, his sympathy capital is increasing and his popularity rating is exploding.

“It’s a good time to begin a virtuous spiral in which your morale-boosting talents work wonders around you. » It is time to take advantage of this climate to relaunch negotiations and make your ideas heard. Everything he does will have a much greater chance of succeeding than usual. For what? This week he seems so confident that his power of seduction is undeniable. He manages to convince easily. Enough to allow him to meet the right people and put in his pocket the allies who will help him move forward. If this is extremely positive for his career which is likely to advance, it is just as positive from a more personal point of view. In private, his enthusiasm and gentleness allow him to spend beautiful moments with family or as a couple.


We know her to be studious and pragmatic. Needless to say, Virgo is the type to accumulate PELs and other savings accounts to ensure their financial security. But lately, the beauty has been the type to want to let go. The expenses could therefore have followed one another. Fortunately, the sky is there to help him recover. “Jupiter, luck, offers you the opportunity to improve your financial situation. »Money, money, money. The planets align to allow Virgo to replenish its accounts. Freed from this stress, she can finally breathe and concentrate on her private life.

An exceptional phenomenon, it also benefits from the help of other planets. Jean-Yves Espié specifies: “It is quite rare to have the support of the planet of love and that of finances during the same period, and this is what is happening to you. » After Jupiter, it is Venus who comes to the aid of the sweet Virgo. “The presence of the planet of love and harmony grants you an active charm, which offers you the opportunity to advance your affairs of the heart. » All the conditions are there for her to take control of her life as she wishes. If for singles it can be the sign of a great meeting, for people in relationships it may be time to start thinking about the next step. A commitment or a declaration could liven up the week to make it more beautiful and above all sweeter.


Already at the top of the rankings last week, Pisces continues its momentum to reach all the summits. A little extra this time: “The arrival of Mars in a Water sign brings you a boost of energy. » The last born of the zodiac comes out of the water. He feels himself growing wings and begins to regain confidence in himself. The red planet makes him bolder and more combative than ever. “It boosts your natural willpower and this translates into faster results. » There is not a second to lose. It’s about restarting the machine, setting up new projects, and going for it. Negotiations intensify, and Pisces puts forward his ideas and shows everyone around him that he too when he wants, can.

The good news doesn’t stop there as Saturn also takes him under its aid. The planet “increases your stamina to finalize current projects. This is the ideal time to show your cards if you have the means to achieve your ambitions. » The situation is settling, things are evolving. This can be a turning point for Pisces. His career is about to move forward. Success and glory are his. The only thing to remember is that he must stop doubting and truly trust himself. He has all the talent necessary to achieve his goals. All he has to do now is figure out how to promote himself. But on this point, the New Moon in Libra on Saturday could be useful to him. By stopping for a moment to think, he will refine his strategy. In short, it’s time to take action!

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