Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: The Month Of May 2024 Promises To Be Difficult For These Two Astrological Signs

The stars have spoken. These two signs are the least lucky for May 2024, but don’t panic: we recommend them for a cosmic comeback.

Every month, it’s the same thing: some astrological signs are on cloud nine, others, below, are more prone to rain. The bad news is that you may be one of them. The good news is that without rain, nothing grows. We promise you, it’s not that bad and we even give you some advice to still have a “nice month of May”. And then between us: it’s just astrology.


The month could be a little longer than expected for the sign of Scorpio which is not in the little papers of the stars. Many planets are in his opposite terrain, in Taurus, and challenge him somewhat. The coming weeks will serve as preparation for summer and the Cancer season which promises to be much gentler for Scorpio. Things are being put in place, and projects are getting underway, but it is not yet time to reap the fruits of your work. Patience, therefore. But in the meantime, Venus and Mercury force the sign to trust those close to them and to rely on them, during May. In the May horoscope for Scorpios, they were advised to get closer to their family and leave the door open to new friendships. “Your entourage and the advice they give you can put you on the right path,” advised Cyrine Ben Romdhane in the horoscope for May 2024 for all astrological signs. Scorpios will still be able to count on the support of Saturn (work, responsibilities) to get through it thanks to a great organization.


We told you in the May horoscope for Aquarius: that the sign puts a little pressure on itself. Beware of exhaustion and rash decisions professionally this month. For what? A cluster of planets forms a tight angle with the constellation Aquarius in May. Taurus season works on him, literally. He may question his value in his professional environment: is he respected? Is he always in agreement with the environment in which he operates? All of this is also the fallout from Pluto being retrograde in its sign. A profound overhaul of its expectations is coming. “Your professional situation is mixed, do not remain isolated”, we warn in a previous article: “Do not hesitate to ask for help from your colleagues if necessary. » Like Scorpio, Aquarius will have to learn to rely on others and communicate about their difficulties. And this also applies to his personal life where “a possessive side could surface”.

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