Zodiac Signs

Horoscope: Your Lucky Day For The Week Of August 15th According To Your Astrological Sign

Need a boost to start the week? We tell you which day of the week from August 12 to 18, 2024 will bring you luck according to your astrological sign.

Magical thinking or astrology? It’s all the same thing. The power of self-persuasion is often underestimated, especially on Monday mornings. You woke up on the wrong side of the bed, your fan is broken, and you’re wondering if this is all another big conspiracy by Mercury retrograde in Virgo against you. You’re given a reason to hold on until your lucky day of the week.

What is my lucky day according to astrology?

Aries’ lucky day: Wednesday, August 14

While the rest of the zodiac is taking the brunt of the commotion caused by its favorite planet (Mars) and Jupiter, Aries is rather all fired up. The reason? The Moon and the Sun, both in Fire signs, awaken Aries’ passionate instincts and stimulate them. This Wednesday, August 14, is an opportunity for them to recharge their batteries.

Taurus’ lucky day: Saturday, August 17

On this day, Taurus can count on the precious helping hand of the planets. Uranus and Neptune continue to support Taurus during a period of profound change. But this Saturday, it is especially the Moon and Pluto who watch over his finances, even finding him something to replenish his accounts a little at the end of summer.

Gemini’s lucky day: Sunday, August 18

But even if this mid-August risks upsetting Gemini, the storm will pass by the end of the week thanks to a well-deserved time-out: a friendly pass between Jupiter (luck) and the Moon (emotions, abundance). A truce that could well be more productive and creative than they think.

Cancer’s Lucky Day: Monday, August 12

Every time their favorite star (the Moon) crosses the constellation of another Water sign, Cancer benefits from a cosmic helping hand. The Moon in Scorpio as well as Venus in friendly territory (Virgo) encourage Cancer to develop their closest relationships this Monday and to take care of them. Result: we return the favor.

Leo’s lucky day: Wednesday, August 14

There’s chaos in the sky this week. Not for Leo, who is having a great time. Specifically on Wednesday the 14th, when almost all the stars want him well and the Moon in Sagittarius gives him its support. Momentum, enthusiasm, charisma, and a desire to have fun: a good Wednesday in perspective for Leo.

Virgo’s lucky day: Friday, August 16

The Moon and Venus form a powerful alliance this Friday to sort out Virgo’s affairs of the heart. Confidence and stability are essential and offer the ideal context to reveal themselves, declare themselves, or dare to make some plans on the comet.

Libra’s Lucky Day: Sunday, August 18

The week has been particularly beneficial for Libra, but this Sunday serves as a final bouquet to the Jupiter/Mars conjunction that has given it new energy. Jupiter (luck) and the Moon (emotions, creativity) join forces to offer Libra an extra dose of good fortune: it’s the ideal time to finalize an important step.

Scorpio’s lucky day: Monday, August 12

Surprisingly, while the rest of the zodiac is preparing to experience a somewhat tense August 15, Scorpio enjoys a lull on August 12. The Moon (the planet of emotions) is still in its sign and grants it a moment of grace. It could even be that the explosive duo of Jupiter (luck) and Mars (action) pushes Scorpio to make the right decision at the right time.

Sagittarius’ lucky day: Sunday, August 18

The tensions of mid-August are easing as of this Sunday, for Sagittarius. The Moon in a friendly Air sign blows a wind of freedom over their weekend and they get their mojo back. A Sunday that will reconcile them with their motivation and give them back the desire to move forward.

Capricorn’s lucky day: Saturday, August 17

Full sun for Capricorn, this Saturday. It’s simple: in the sky, that day, no planet thwarts his plans. The road is clear and even Mercury retrograde is on his side to boost his love life, with the help of Venus in Virgo. Under the impetus of the stars in signs of Air and Fire, a beautiful project could even start.

Aquarius’ lucky day: Sunday, August 18

The end of Leo season gives Aquarius a bit of a break this Sunday. The week ends with the Moon visiting their sector, and a spotlight from Jupiter, the luckiest of the planets. Perfect timing to enjoy the summer outdoors and to join friends.

Pisces’ lucky day: Monday, August 12

Without wanting to alarm them, the week is not the easiest for Pisces. Fortunately, this Monday allows them to take a deep breath before diving underwater thanks to the presence of the Moon in a Water sign, as well as the support of Saturn and Neptune. The day turns out to be sweet if Pisces listens to their guts.

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