Zodiac Signs

Horoscopes For The Week Of September 16th-22nd Predict Big Changes For Each Zodiac Sign

The full moon is just a small part of everything that will happen

This week’s horoscopes begin with a Full Moon in Pisces, a partial lunar eclipse that predicts the themes we’ll encounter next year when the Nodes change zodiac signs. The Moon will be in Aries on September 19 and Taurus on September 20.

Mercurial energy closes the week with the Moon in Gemini on the 22nd, and a lot of Venusian energy will be felt the same day as the Sun enters Libra and Venus moves into a new sign, Scorpio.

Our motivation during this time may be to balance our relationships and integrate self-love. Venus in Scorpio can teach us to respect our boundaries, while the Sun in Libra will allow us to connect more with our independence during the upcoming eclipse season.

See how this week’s transits will impact your sign.

Weekly Horoscopes for September 16-22, 2024 for Each Zodiac Sign


Recharging may be the theme of the week with Mars in Cancer in aspect to the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces—a good time to balance work and rest periods. Slowing down may work in your favor just before the Moon enters your sign on the 19th, making this a time to start new projects around the house or do some renovations.

Taurus energy comes into play on the 20th, allowing you to prioritize your finances. When the Moon enters Gemini on the 22nd, it will join Venus in Scorpio and the Sun in Libra. You will be more aware of your love life and can prioritize your self-care in the coming weeks during this powerful eclipse season.


With the Full Moon in Pisces early this week, you’ll see how your relationships have transformed and will continue to do so next year. The Moon enters Aries on the 18th, focusing on your collaborations with others.

Once the Moon enters your sign on the 20th, you’ll see how love and romance will mark an important chapter. Starting on the 22nd, when Venus enters Scorpio, your house of relationships will light up. This can be a time when connecting with your creative energy can help you make breakthroughs. On the same day, the Sun enters Libra and the Moon is in Gemini, giving you structure and making you more disciplined.


The lunar eclipse in Pisces could be a time when you could receive praise for what you’ve accomplished so far this year. Your hard work during this Saturnian transit could be noticed during this time. Aries energy on the 19th adds courage and insight, while the Taurus Moon on the 20th will remind you to take breaks when necessary—the Gemini Moon on the 22nd teams up with Venus in Scorpio.

If you feel in your element, you also have hope for the future. The Sun also enters Libra on the same day, bringing much more happiness to your immediate environment. Spend time with those you love to celebrate this energy.


As we continue to navigate more mutable transits, the Pisces eclipse will be a good time for you to take pride in your work and look to the future with more confidence. The Moon in Aries on the 19th allows you to focus on the planning process.

Mars in your sign will allow you to visualize and think of new ideas to help you achieve your goals. The Moon in Taurus may be a time when you take on more work, but you will be supported by those around you. Your genius shines through, making others respect your decisions.

Gemini energy and Venusian energy come together on the 22nd. The Sun in Libra helps ground you, while Venus in Scorpio helps connect you to your inner artist.


New topics emerge with this Full Moon that serves as a brief portal into the nodal shifts coming in 2025. The partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 18th will allow you to see areas of your life where you may need to tap into your inner warrior. With the Moon in Aries on the 19th, you will shine easily and be in the spotlight.

Things may seem more aligned for you during this period. The Moon in Taurus will be a good time to connect better with your classmates or colleagues; you will be able to seduce people with your charm.

The Moon in Gemini on the 22nd can help you set new goals for the next six months. Venus enters Scorpio and the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd as well, adding a period where your social calendar could be more exciting.


More changes are coming this week, with the Moon in Pisces serving as a prologue to next year’s nodal shifts. This is a time to focus more on your successes and relationship energy. With the Moon entering Aries on the 19th, you’ll be able to connect with friends and meet new people during this brief transit.

The Moon in Taurus on the 20th forms a trine to your sign, bringing more expansive energy to undertake new projects and studies.

The mercurial energy of the 22nd allows you to review and revisit work you may have pending. The Sun moves away from your sign and enters Libra on the same day, a new cycle that could allow you to focus more on success.


Venus enters Scorpio on the 22nd, an important Venusian transit that will make you change your priorities. But before that, the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces will begin on the 18th, empowering and guiding you. You will be able to initiate new projects and take control with more confidence.

The Moon in Aries, starting on the 19th, will be a time to focus on how to be a better leader. With the Moon in Taurus starting on the 20th, Venusian energy reminds you of your strengths and boosts your ego. With the Moon in Gemini and the Sun entering your sign on the 22nd, you can take center stage and continue to remind yourself that you are the star.


Water energy washes over you early this week with the Moon in Pisces on the 18th, making you more receptive to the message of this transit and helping you reflect on the significant people and relationships you’ve had in the past.

The Moon in Aries motivates you and allows you to change your plan. Once the Moon is in Taurus, starting on the 20th, relaxation can be on your mind. Learn to put yourself and your needs first. With Venus entering your sign, the Sun entering Libra, and the Moon in Gemini, all happening on the 22nd, you will be able to see how your confidence shines through, ready for next week.


Mutable signs will feel the impact of the Full Moon in Pisces starting on the 18th. Saturn’s message will resonate through this transit, bringing you back down to Earth and helping you strengthen your foundations.

The Aries Moon on the 19th brings an element of optimism and courage, while the Taurus Moon on the 20th could have you reflecting on your previous romantic encounters. The Gemini Moon on the 22nd continues the message of Luna’s time in Taurus, allowing you to fill in the gaps in your relationships by being more emotionally vulnerable.


We’re looking at the Full Moon in Pisces on the 18th, which will mark the beginning of a new eclipse cycle starting next year. The Moon in Aries on the 19th will bring you closer to home and family, themes you can develop when the Moon enters Taurus on the 20th.

Reflecting on past romantic experiences could be part of this lunar transition. Once the Moon enters Gemini on the 22nd, you can bring in new projects to help keep you encouraged and motivated. The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, giving you more tools to continue working toward your goals.


This week, a powerful Full Moon in Pisces will be a partial eclipse, ushering in a new chapter that we will revisit next year. Aries energy will inspire you on the 19th, and the Moon in Taurus on the 20th will allow you to make new plans to move forward.

When the Moon enters Gemini on the 22nd, it will be a time when you feel more confident and connected to yourself. The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd, adding more adventure and optimism to your world.

Venus in Scorpio breathes new life into your career house. Expect a month when you will be more popular and admired by those around you.


The Full Moon in your sign will be significant this year as the energy of the eclipse will be powerful. Themes will unfold next year once the North Node enters your sign, allowing you to discover who you are, your dreams, and your motivations.

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