Zodiac Signs

How Signs Hide That They’re In Love


Without a doubt, Aries could give a tutorial on how to hide that he is in love. Minimize the situation, avoid talking excessively about the one who stole your heart, and even make negative comments to hide it. No matter how hard you try, this person does not leave your mind, so you prefer to distract yourself with something else. You are a master in the art of not falling into temptation. It takes you a long time to admit to your friends that you can’t take it anymore and that there is someone who accompanies you all the time, even in your dreams.


Taurus is always waiting for a new activity to include in his agenda. This is a very busy sign, so it is not difficult for him to avoid falling in love. Your main goal is to prevent others from noticing it, so avoid meeting this person in front of your acquaintances. You can see this special being and act as if you had never seen him in your life, you master the art of controlling the situation. In addition, you are very meticulous in your social networks; if you are not filled with love from the first months, it is difficult for you to admit your feelings.


Gemini deserves an Oscar when it comes to hiding their feelings for someone else. You know how to deflect attention and if someone starts to doubt you, you do everything you can to make them believe that you are just great friends. And boy, do they believe you. Your performance is so convincing that even you believe it yourself. The problem is that it will be harder for you to take the plunge because you won’t know if the other person only wants you as a friend.


Cancer pretending not to be in love? It is difficult for you since you are an unfiltered and most emotional sign. It is very complicated because it shows in the way you look at that person; even your eyes shine. In addition, you can lose control and become nervous. However, to hide it, you suggest to that person that you love someone else. Let’s say you play Cupid, even if inside you are falling in love. Which could be a very dangerous game, because what will you do if the other ends up falling in love?


Leo is a reckless soul who fights for what he wants and is not afraid of looks. However, when someone unexpectedly enters your heart, there is no turning back. You undergo a radical change in your personality. You become shy and have difficulty accepting your emotions, so you pretend not to be interested because you are afraid of rejection. You do not send the first messages, even if you spend a lot of time looking at that person’s profile. This is where you have a hard time letting the other person make the first move.


If there is a sign that puts up a huge shell before letting someone into their heart, we are undoubtedly talking about Virgo. When you fall in love, you do everything so that others do not notice it. Your main weapon is to pretend that you can’t stand that person; you can even say that you wouldn’t be crazy with someone like that, even if you end up in their arms later. The truth is that you are the last to agree to melt with love. Those who know you perceive it from the first moment, and the moment you confess it, they only laugh at your naivety.


When it comes to love, Libra must be careful. You are afraid of ending up giving your heart to someone who is not worth it, so you are the first to put up a thousand obstacles. It is very common for you to be the one who sabotages the relationship. You start pretending to be very busy and you do not dare to live together because you know that you will end up falling at his feet. You have a weakness for idealization and if things do not go as you imagined, you lose control of your emotions.


Behind a strong, controlling, and intense personality, there is a soul that is afraid of being heartbroken. You run away from love because you don’t want to be hurt; you feel overwhelmed and need to feel safe before you take that step because you’ve been disappointed before. You don’t want people to notice, so you adopt a cold attitude as if you don’t care about the other person at all. You are a master of indifference, even if there comes a time when you can’t take it anymore and you scream it.


Sagittarius honors adventure and freedom, with an insatiable thirst to devour all the spaces in the world. However, when you fall in love, you feel like your world is suddenly shaken and you don’t know what to do with so many things. The best thing you can do is pretend to melt for someone else. You like to make it clear that you spend your time thinking about another person, a game in which you can lose because the person may feel excluded and look away. The problem is that at the moment, you don’t care, you just don’t want anyone to know.


One excuse after another. Capricorn exaggerates his daily life and becomes an expert in explaining why he is not ready to take such a big step. You put your work, home, family, and everything first, to escape love. In reality, you fear that the person who stole your heart does not feel the same way. Therefore, you start to be very obvious; you want everyone to know that you are not ready for a relationship and that you love your single life above all else.


Aquarius teaches the rest of the signs a lesson on how to hide love. You are a sign that is always focused on your relaxed life and does not let just anyone in, so your love life is a mystery to everyone. If someone directly asks you about that special someone, you simply evade the question and move on to something more interesting. The advantage is that you are extremely intelligent and learn something new every day; you know very well how to attract attention.


Even though Pisces is love without being in love, being the most sensitive, loving, and tender person that life can present to you, when someone catches your heart, you go easy on them. You don’t like to feel vulnerable, much less be on everyone’s lips, so you try to make it clear that your life right now is focused on other projects. You want them to know that you are a free soul and that you have a list of suitors, but at the moment, you are not interested at all. However, the truth is that when you fall in love, you don’t have eyes for anyone else.

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