Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscope: A Surprise Awaits Not Only Gemini

The new week will be simply fantastic for Gemini singles. Two other zodiac signs are also on cloud nine.

In the new week, almost all zodiac signs can look forward to a lot of togetherness. But three zodiac signs can expect one love highlight after another. Singles meet exciting people who turn their heads. Relationships experience a revival of feelings and are like teenagers in love.

Are you also one of the lucky children in love? Find out in the love horoscope from April 22nd.

#1 Gemini can let themselves go

Both Gemini singles and twins in a relationship can expect a week full of togetherness, intense feelings, and eroticism. The twins currently feel extremely comfortable and secure in a relationship. You give each other all the freedom you need and are still close on a personal level.

Singles also have butterflies in their stomachs. You can look forward to exciting conversations and long, intensive evenings. And even if you don’t end up in a relationship, you still enjoy letting yourself go. A dating partner also has a surprise up his sleeve that you wouldn’t have expected.

#2 Leo meets someone very special

The Leo is currently basking in a multitude of admirers. You put your foot down when flirting and don’t let anything burn. Even if you weren’t expecting it, a person who fascinates you comes into your life unexpectedly.

Leos in a relationship can also look forward to a sparkling week. Your love is blossoming. You have little hearts in your eyes again, as if you were newly in love. Your partner never misses an opportunity to carry you in their hands. You enjoy the attention and can hardly keep your hands off your loved one.

#3 An exciting week awaits Aries

Aries can look forward to an exciting week in which love sparks. You flirt a lot and intensely and don’t want to commit. After every date, you’re fired up and think you have a crush, but the very next moment you seem to like someone else better.

Aries in a relationship are currently traveling a lot apart from each other. But that doesn’t stop your love. On the contrary, because your time together is even more intense. You want to go away together and spontaneously plan a short trip. And your partner might even have a surprise in store.

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