Zodiac Signs

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign August 12th-18th, 2024

Aries: August 13

There’s no time like the present to believe in yourself and follow your dreams, Aries. But that doesn’t just come through in the agreements or choices you make, but also in the conversations you participate in. Your words will have immense power when Mars conjuncts Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, August 13, allowing you to push your written and spoken communication forward. While this energy is amazing, especially if writing is part of your career or the dream you’re looking to pursue, it can also help you finally open up to those around you so they’re fully aware of your truth. You already know that this opportunity is a second chance to achieve everything you desire, so approach it with a healthier perspective and remember that you deserve to live the life of your dreams.

Taurus: August 13

Abundance is something that is created when you are brave enough to put your plans into action, dear Taurus. It is not enough to know that you are worthy; you must develop a plan for what the most abundant life would look and feel like. Try to think of abundance not only in terms of financial wealth, but also in terms of emotional and mental fulfillment, knowing that your needs are met, and feeling overflowing with everything you have ever desired. As Mars connects with Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, August 13, you have the opportunity to make a crucial decision about your future, but you must base it on what is most important to you. Try to allow yourself to take a risk, especially if you find yourself asking for a raise or promotion, because the more worthy you believe yourself to be, the more the events of the universe will align in your favor.

Gemini: August 14

Taking the time to review and reflect on recent themes allows you to feel more confident in your decisions, dear Gemini. Instead of feeling like phases of slowness, confusion, or even stagnation are weighing you down and holding you back, lean into them. Enjoy the moment and all that it offers, especially as Mercury retrograde enters Leo on Wednesday, August 14. This will be incredibly intense energy for you, Gemini, and that’s because you’re meant to change the way you’ve been going about your business or a specific agreement. While you’re known for changing your mind frequently, in this case, it’s all about this divine redirection and how you embrace this opportunity the universe has given you, as uncomfortable as it may seem. Leave your ego at the door and simply choose to embrace your truth and do whatever it takes to feel confident in the path ahead.

Cancer August 14

You may need to revisit the details to feel like you’re moving forward, Cancer. As Mercury retrograde moves back into Leo on Wednesday, August 14, revisiting your budget and finances could allow you to see where you’re due for compensation or even reveal surprises. However, while this financial review will help you get things back on track and attract greater abundance, you also need to do some internal reflection. You’ve been accepting a lower salary, job, or even compensation than you deserve. Sure, asking for more is the desired outcome, but you may need to get deeper into why you’ve been accepting less for so long. Try practicing affirmations around your inner worth and treat it as an experiment, because when you believe that you truly deserve only the best in life, that’s what you’ll start attracting.

Leo: August 13

Wishes are your sincere intentions, dear Leo. They are not meaningless or even useless, no matter how many times you have given up hope on your dreams in the past. But as with everything, the idea is not just to make a wish, but to put a plan and action in place to make it happen. Everything you create in this life will be a direct result of what you put into it, so you must gather all your courage and even audacity when you begin to believe that nothing that was meant to be a part of your divine path has been wasted.

Try to embrace not only your wishes for your future, but also the support that your friends, social circles, and even networks can give you as Mars merges with Jupiter in Gemini on Tuesday, August 13. This can be the lesson that you’re not meant to walk this path alone. By reinvesting in what you want and garnering the support and connections of those around you, you can finally begin to manifest everything you’ve ever wanted.

Virgo: August 13

You’re about to experience a rapid acceleration in your career, Virgo. You just need to make sure that you never have to choose between success and whatever you desire for your life. As Mars and Jupiter conjunct in Gemini on Tuesday, August 13, you have the opportunity to say yes to yourself and the gifts that have been given to you in this lifetime. This is a great time to apply for or even accept a new job, especially if it reminds you of something from the past. You may also find that you’re receiving more recognition around this time, which will catalyze even greater success. With all the work you’ve put in to build a fulfilling professional life, this energy will help you take it to the next level—you just need to show up and keep working toward that abundantly rich life you’ve always dreamed of.

Libra: August 12

It can often seem like there’s always a reason to give up or even not try Libra, but you need to start seeing the difference between the excuses of fear and the reality of what’s involved in creating a life you love. The current energy is urging you to reach for the stars, step out of your comfort zone, take risks, and try something different.

To achieve this, you need to let go of the excuses that it won’t work or that you’re not cut out for more, which is exactly what the First Quarter Moon in Scorpio can help you with on Monday, August 12. During this time, the idea is to revisit your original intention or dream, let go of whatever isn’t working, make a plan for what will, and allow yourself to take action to create the new beginning you desire. To make the most of this shift, you need to let go of the excuses that you’re not cut out for abundance or the joy of living a life connected to your soul. Leave the excuses behind and simply start making the decisions that your future self will thank you for.

Scorpio August 14

Although you are often a fan of transformational themes, this does not mean that you are the most patient, dear Scorpio. Yet, during this time, patience and flexibility are essential for you so that you can show up for the process and not get discouraged by the time it takes to manifest the results. You are going through drastic changes in your career, and at times, you may feel like you don’t know which way things are going to go.

But you have to remember that you are meant to be successful, even as Mercury moves retrograde into Leo on Wednesday, August 14, bringing past opportunities for success to the surface—and helping you improve your professional life. No matter how unsettling this time may be, it is all happening for your highest good; you just need to make room for the process and continue to support yourself with positive thinking. The more flexible you are at this point, the more likely you are to quickly understand the purpose of this phase and finally feel like you are moving toward the abundance you have always deserved.

Sagittarius: August 14

Sagittarius, changing your mind is giving yourself the gift of growth. This doesn’t necessarily refer to those split-second shifts or distractions that can sometimes seem rather appealing, but the kind of change that is ingrained in your soul. Consciously changing your mind about a particular life direction means that you have explored options, learned, healed, and are ready to take full responsibility for what a life reorientation will entail. No matter how far you have traveled on a particular path, there are always other options, but to see which ones you have to release your attachment to a particular story. Once Mercury returns to Leo for its retrograde journey on Wednesday, August 14, you will gain a better understanding of the path not taken and how it remains an option now. Don’t let pride keep you from having a second chance at everything you’ve ever wanted for yourself.

Capricorn: August 14

There’s nothing wrong with slowing down or even going back on a past decision, Capricorn. The periods of reflection and recovery that Mercury retrograde brings are often divine, as you can make an even better decision and plan than you originally planned. But surrendering to what comes is a big part, as is wanting to approach this issue correctly rather than as quickly as possible. Doing something right means having integrity, honesty, and transparency as you manifest this new change in your life. When it comes to working with the universe, these themes are much bigger than simply checking a box to say it’s done. Let go of any deadlines or even feelings you may have about manifesting your desired results. Try to think of it as a journey. By embracing each moment as your best self, you’ll realize that your final destination may not even matter as much. Family and relationship changes may be ahead of you, so take your time with this phase and remember that while you have no control over the outcome, you do have control over how you show up to the process.

Aquarius: August 12

Being able to evolve allows you to feel like you can continue to grow, Aquarius. There is no shame in realizing that you no longer want what you once wanted or even that you have developed new ideas about what defines success or abundance. The idea is to continually allow yourself to evolve and meet new ideas and opportunities with a fresh and hopeful perspective. This theme will be especially true as the first quarter moon in Scorpio signifies a new beginning in your career, but you may need to make some adjustments to enjoy it. Try to embrace your way of manifesting success and don’t get discouraged just because you feel like you are always looking to improve or better a situation, because that is your gift. This week, you may need to voice a particular concern about your workplace or a position you hold in the company, but you should feel empowered to follow through. The world needs your unique contribution, Aquarius, and in this case, you will improve not only your life but the lives of everyone around you.

Pisces: August 12

While Pisces may be known as a gut-wrenching optimist, you tend to be pretty hard on yourself. But to harness the energy of the first quarter moon in Scorpio, you also need to realize that nothing is stopping you from achieving your dreams or even manifesting the abundant life you have envisioned for yourself. You may need to go back to the drawing board on a specific issue, but this is not to discourage you, but rather to help you achieve even more success. Remember, this new opportunity you are being encouraged to embrace is to live more authentically and in alignment with your soul. In the meantime, themes like travel, spirituality, and even abundance can strongly influence current events.

You also need to understand that what happens in your life is a direct reflection of all the work you have done. Stop imagining obstacles where there are none and instead rely on the redirections and second chances you receive from the universe because you are about to experience a life-changing moment.

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