Zodiac Signs

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign August 19th-25th, 2024

Aries: August 24

No matter how much you want to rush and reach the finish line, Aries, you need to slow down a bit. You can’t force the current chapter you’re in or even finish the previous one. You can only be where you are right now, so it would be good if you took some time to enjoy it. Instead of feeling bad about slowing down or even taking the time to rest, Vesta in Virgo on Saturday, August 24 reminds you how important this is. You can’t express what you desire or even be fully present for what needs to be resolved if you’re continually exhausted and drained. Consider this an opportunity from the universe to start slowing down a bit, sleep more, take a day off, tone down social projects—and maybe even start thinking about how your routine helps you feel your best. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or even mental, this is your chance to hit that reset button so you feel ready to conquer the next goal.

Taurus: August 19

Just because you felt like there was nothing else to heal, Taurus doesn’t mean you won’t have surprises this week. But not all healing is painful; sometimes the most important phase is learning to accept what you’ve struggled with before. As the Sun and Mercury meet in Leo on Monday, August 19, a new cycle is dawning in your life. With this new chance at healing, you can see more clearly what needs to be done to start seizing more opportunities in your life. Try to embrace this phase with open arms and do what you feel called to do. Reach out to that family member to talk it out, start visualizing changes you want to make at home and realize that your life is what you make of it. Rather than assuming that feelings will come once everything changes, take some time to tend to the roots of your life by focusing first on the emotional fulfillment you need. Once you do, abundance is sure to follow.

Gemini August 19

Gemini, try to take your time to adopt a new perspective, as this will help you move forward in this current phase of your life. You have already been looking at life differently by working to take up more space and honor the unique dreams that have been placed in your heart. Part of this involved revisiting your past, but now that it is ending, you are also ready to begin making the changes that you know will help you create a life that resonates deeply with your soul. Mercury and the Sun will meet in Leo on Monday, August 19, in your house of communication, so while Mercury is retrograde, this is an extremely powerful energy to work with. Give yourself some time to recognize where you are being guided, but also take the opportunity to revisit your previous agreements and even revisit some of the ideas you have had for your career and even other sources of income. Sometimes it pays to go back; in this case, you can finally shift your perspective to better understand what you want.

Cancer: August 19

Finances seem like a tough topic for you lately, Cancer, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to stay that way. Part of this process is understanding what you value most and becoming more comfortable asking for what you deserve. Now, as the sun and Mercury unite in Leo on Monday, August 19, you’re ready to begin a new cycle of creating the life you deserve.

You are destined for a life of abundance, but you have also learned that there is more to it than just the amount in your bank account. You may eventually realize that many of the struggles you have been experiencing were due to not getting what you deserved. Now that this is clearer, you may want to revisit some important past deals.

Don’t be afraid to make a counteroffer this week for a salary, a divorce settlement, or even a special project you’re working on. You now fully understand that while abundance isn’t just about money, you also deserve to set yourself up for future success.

Leo: August 22

You are allowed to understand yourself more deeply, Leo; you dare to change your path with this knowledge. As Mercury retrograde moves through your sign of Leo, take the opportunity to question everything about yourself. Whether it seems like a fundamental truth or even insignificant, take a critical look at your beliefs, perspectives, and even the choices you’ve made. As you embrace this time, Virgo season begins on Thursday, August 22, helping to shift your attention toward manifesting a life that fulfills you and increases abundance.

The Sun is one of the luckiest celestial bodies, and in Virgo, it directs your energy toward the value, abundance, and dignity you need to attract the opportunities you seek. But before you can use Virgo season, it’s important to think critically about how you’ve been approaching life, because a major change is likely on the horizon.

Start prioritizing the dreams you’ve had for your life, the experiences you’ve wanted to have, and even how you hoped to feel during it all. Make sure you’re listening to your truth, not the noise of the outside world so that what you begin to manifest during Virgo season is truly in tune with your soul.

Virgo: August 22

One of Virgo’s most important life lessons is learning that you don’t need to be anything other than yourself. But to accept that, you also need to learn who you are. As the Sun returns to Virgo and you prepare for your Solar Return, this is your chance to see your authentic nature more clearly and delve into discovering who you are.

See this as an opportunity for discovery; instead of simply continuing on the current path, make it a priority to introduce new experiences, past moments, and even ways of interacting with others to see what resonates and what doesn’t. This new chapter you are embarking on will require you to truly know who you are, so embracing this season and the current process will prepare you for it. It may be easy to simply follow the path of least resistance, but that doesn’t mean it’s the one meant for you. When you can make the bold decision to learn and embrace your inner light, sweet Virgo, then you can be sure that wherever you are, you are precisely where you are meant to be.

Libra August 24

A lot depends on your ability to discern whether or not you are on the path to your purpose, dear Libra. With so many new opportunities coming into your life and the ability to finally see the truth, you need to make sure that there is nothing you are avoiding or even brushing over to prevent change. Once Vesta moves into Virgo on Saturday, August 24, you will be invited to dive deep into your inner self. This time will be an opportunity to explore your truth, your different levels of healing, your consciousness, and your relationship with the divine. Even if it feels like nothing monumental is happening, that doesn’t mean that every step you take isn’t valuable. If you don’t already have a journaling routine, now would be a good time to start one and sign up for a regression or personal meditation.

A new and obvious truth will soon surface in your consciousness, and it has the power to change everything. You must create a safe space and be willing to explore yourself even more deeply.

Scorpio August 19

Take your time before rushing into big decisions, Scorpio. Your professional life has been very active lately, with changes and even new beginnings that seem to have been interrupted or completely stalled. Even if you still feel uncertain about the path forward, you need to continue to trust that everything is going according to plan and that you will attract the success and abundance you have been working for. A decisive moment will occur when the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Leo on Monday, August 19, in your house of career. While Mercury is retrograde, this can work in your favor as an opportunity, offer, or even a past direction can open up again and become part of a new offer. This is a new cycle in your professional life, and it is about you taking on a role in which you will be more seen and even more recognized. Try to continue to be patient and don’t make hasty decisions out of fear, but instead continue to make room for what you know is meant for you.

Sagittarius August 22

This is your lucky season, Sagittarius, as the Sun returns to Virgo on Thursday, August 22, bringing new developments to your career sector. You have been planning a lot and even adjusting the way you approach money and work matters. Because of the internal changes you have made, you appear more responsible, more professional, and capable of securing a higher-paying job—or even a job that resonates more deeply with you. During Virgo season, this is your chance to focus on all matters related to your professional life, so if you are dreaming of doing so, now is the time to do so. Try not to worry too much about what will come next or even the consequences of taking certain risks. You are now acting with the power of the universe behind you and can present this new version of yourself to the world. Remember, don’t waste your energy trying to prove anything to anyone. Instead, simply let your inner light shine with confidence that you will attract the abundance that is meant for you.

Capricorn 19 August

You’ll begin to develop a better sense of what you need, Capricorn, which will help you cope with any changes. Themes of change can often feel overwhelming, especially since they can take away the control you strive to have over your life. But that’s all different now, as Mercury Cazimi in Leo occurs on Monday, August 19, signaling that a new cycle is beginning with how you approach change and even your closest relationships. Use this time to focus not only on the change that’s happening in your life right now but also on the aspects that you hope to see happen soon. Continue to invest in your relationships, and remember that what you put in is what you can get out. Mercury Cazimi also signifies a turning point in your finances, especially if there have been recent difficulties distributing funds or even getting the return you deserve. Try to let go of any fear that you are out of control of this new chapter so that you can see how much power you have to steer events in your favor.

Aquarius: August 22

Even though you may be feeling more comfortable in your life right now, Aquarius, that doesn’t mean you can start picking up the pace just yet. Virgo season begins on Thursday, August 22, and will remind you that it’s best to approach any major transformation slowly and steadily. Instead of letting the excitement take over and jumping into a new job role or even a new phase of your relationship, give yourself time to plan and see all the facts. Everything that’s happening in your life right now is positive, but that doesn’t mean you have to become careless. Focus on looking at everything with fresh eyes, specifically focusing on letting go of the past and investing time in planning for your success. This phase of transformation is about increasing your finances and even making major changes to your romantic relationship—but you have to take your time creating it. When you can plan what you want to manifest, you help direct the energy positively and beneficially so you recognize that golden opportunity when it finally presents itself.

Pisces August 19

Your aura will always serve to attract more luck and abundance, dear Pisces, but you’re about to get an even bigger boost. As the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Leo on Monday, August 19, you’ll have a different energy within you. Not only will you express yourself more authentically, but you’ll also begin to attract new opportunities and beneficial relationships. This isn’t a time of hard work, but rather a time where you can sit back and reap the rewards of your past efforts. Take time to do what makes you happy. Let go of recent stresses and realize that your greatest asset is your identity. By becoming a more radiant version of yourself, not only will you attract more abundance, but you’ll also be able to take time to focus on romance. This energy favors both your professional and personal life, so try to create a healthier balance with your time to enjoy all the gifts this new beginning will bring.

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