Zodiac Signs

Luckiest Day Of The Week For Each Zodiac Sign September 9th-15th, 2024

Aries: September 11

You’ve been wading through the mud for long enough, Aries. It’s time to look around and realize how wonderful life is and how many opportunities surround you. What you receive is only a reflection of what you believe. Instead of wasting your precious energy questioning your talents or the affection of your loved ones, try to see everything as a gift from the universe.

Wednesday, your luckiest day of the week, the first quarter moon in Sagittarius offers you a fresh start full of hope and abundance. Wednesday will give you the chance to push through any ruts and see how your life is meant to be lived. The sooner you see everything through a more optimistic lens, the more successful you will be.

Taurus: September 14

You’ve already begun to realize that the way you take care of yourself sets the standard for everything else, and now you’re about to see the results of your efforts. On Saturday, September 14, there will be a divine alignment between Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini. Venus in Libra gives you the ability to take care of yourself, ask for help, and stay dedicated to what you love, while lucky Jupiter reminds you that not only are you worthy of abundance in all its forms, but your finances are also taking a positive turn. Try to stay true to this balance that you’ve recently created in your life, without sacrificing your well-being or anything. By staying true to this practice, you will receive a financial gift or opportunity that will help you create greater abundance in your life.

Gemini: September 12

There is no reason to second guess this moment of opportunity that is being presented to you, dear Gemini. While you are shyly excited about what awaits you around the next corner, it is now prudent to open yourself up and receive this period of wealth, happiness, and greater satisfaction in your life. On Thursday, September 12, Mercury in Virgo will align with Mars in Cancer, creating an opportunity to make money through a real estate opportunity. Whether you are selling your home or buying one, you are in an excellent position to improve your life and your bank account simultaneously. While this may be part of expanding your family, also know that if it is purely business-related, the universe always has your back. Real estate, finance, and business opportunities are favored during this time, so treat yourself and remember that you really can have it all.

Cancer: September 12

You deserve to speak up, Cancer. To express yourself, to be heard, and to let your desires take precedence. Keep this in mind as Mercury in Virgo aligns with Mars in Cancer on Thursday, September 12. You can embrace your determination to speak your truth—and make decisions that open new doors in your life. Believing in yourself is key, as you can’t wait to be invited to share your dreams or given an opportunity. Rather, it’s about knowing that you matter; you deserve to speak your mind and what’s in your heart to manifest the life you desire. Even if you see some themes from July and August resurfacing, you need to trust that this is the time to take action and say yes to this divine redirection in your life.

Leo: September 9

Let loose, Leo, and maximize your opportunities. While Mercury was retrograde in your sign, you needed to focus on other areas of your life. You may have been wondering if you were on the right track. You can ground yourself now that Mercury enters Virgo and is no longer retrograde. Starting September 9, you will have a second chance at wealth. You may receive a financial gift. Whether it was an opportunity you passed up earlier this summer or something that wasn’t ready to happen, you can focus your energy on becoming more financially abundant and allowing yourself to believe in what’s coming your way in life. Instead of wondering if it’s too good to be true, realize that it’s what you deserve and what you’ve worked for.

Virgo: September 14

You’ve done the work, Virgo, and now it’s time to reap the rewards. You’ve been focusing more on your career or career path lately, even if it’s felt difficult due to other areas of your life. If you’ve had to make a big change in your career recently, you’ve been working slowly and steadily toward success, and now it seems like it’s finally coming. Pay close attention to any offers, especially those related to promotions or bonuses, around Saturday, September 14, as Venus in Libra aligns with Jupiter in Gemini. Lucky Jupiter is dedicated to bringing expansion and abundance to your career for the year ahead, and as it merges with Venus in Libra, a financial boost is in store. While this may seem like an incredible time in your career journey, know that this is just the beginning of what the next year has in store for you—and remember, you deserve it.

Libra September 14

Dear Libra, you need to start realizing that you are on a new path now, which means you need to follow your dreams if you want them to come true. A big part of this for you is listening to and validating your inner thoughts and desires about what you want to experience and accomplish. While you tend to enjoy working together or having the full support of a partner, just because you are not in that situation doesn’t mean you can’t do it yourself. Often, the universe presents you with opportunities to realize your power and stop waiting for others to allow you to live the life of your dreams. Honor this energy and reminder as Venus in Libra dances with Jupiter in Gemini on Saturday, September 14, so that you can love yourself enough to know that you deserve more than what you have been settling for. You may have major changes or travel plans coming up but know that it is time to test your wings and take that leap of faith into what is meant for you.

Scorpio: September 11

You’ve been feeling stressed lately in almost every aspect of your life, dear Scorpio. While this is understandable given the transformational process you’re currently in, you also need to be willing to look on the bright side. It’s prudent to have hope for a better future—and financial wealth as part of that. Just because it seems like so much needs to be changed or is still in the works doesn’t mean that everything hasn’t happened for your greater good. The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius on Wednesday, September 11, offers you new hope and a fresh start to improve your finances. Sagittarius is “the explorer and the adventurer,” so you may need to embrace travel opportunities or seek out new job openings during this time. But through it all, try to remain hopeful and, most importantly, embrace the changes that will help you achieve the abundant life you desire.

Sagittarius: September 9

Sagittarius, you decide how much success you manifest. Often, you talk yourself out of your power or give it away to others. Yet, you hold the key to the success you desire; you can begin to invest more in yourself, especially when Mercury returns to Virgo on Monday, September 9.

Mercury was already in Virgo once, from July 25 to August 14, but it was retrograde for part of that time. Have you been looking at your choices or offers and not quite sure what to do? You may have felt discouraged by the prospects. However, all that is now over as Mercury moves back into your house of career. You are expected to receive a significant offer for a position that you have applied for before or have been interested in. This new opportunity will create a ripple effect of change in your life, but it is an opportunity that you must seize. Invest in your success and know that the rewards are already coming.

Capricorn September 9

When the universe is asking you to grow Capricorn, don’t tell it to wait a moment. You need to have an energy of preparation around you right now, as there will be an influx of abundant new opportunities in business and travel coming into your life. This will begin when Mercury enters Virgo on Monday, September 9, lighting up your house of luck and bringing a second chance at new divine opportunities. Virgo is an earth sign, like yours, so this energy should also be one that you work well with, as planning and preparation are key. But you must remember that no matter how you plan, you must always be willing to take a risk on your dreams. There may be an unexpected factor around this second chance you receive, as you may have dismissed something as a possibility. Recognize that nothing is decided until all the dust has settled, and while you may be surprised, it should be in the luckiest of ways.

Aquarius: September 14

Let yourself enjoy life, dear Aquarius. Embrace new beginnings, savor romance, and seize every opportunity to be happy. Life has felt pretty tough before, so it has conditioned you to expect it to continue, almost like you’re always waiting for that other shoe to drop. But this has more to do with the trauma you’ve experienced than the truth of who you are. On Sunday, September 14, as Venus in Libra creates a fortunate connection with Jupiter in Gemini, you’re being asked to start seeing life through the most optimistic lens. Trust that this new era of your life is here to stay, and start focusing more on what you want to create. You are fully supported, whether it’s new travel plans, a deeper spiritual practice, or the evolution of a romantic relationship. It’s time to do what makes your heart and soul happy.

Pisces September 11

Get ready for a lucky time in your career, Pisces, as the first quarter moon rises in Sagittarius on Wednesday, September 11. You’ve seen a lot of changes in your professional life and may have completely changed fields in recent years. But since Saturn entered your sign of Pisces in 2023, you’ve found yourself adopting a different work ethic and have likely seen your career take over your life.

This focus has allowed you to work diligently and confidently on your career dreams. While you still have some extraordinary moments ahead of you, you need to recognize and embrace what the Moon in Sagittarius is meant to mean in your life. Not only is it a matter of hopeful luck, but it is the beginning of a new chapter in your career—one that will likely take you further than you anticipated, but will make all the work you have put into your life worthwhile.

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