Zodiac Signs

Mercury Will Be In Virgo On September 9th And That’s Good News For All Astrological Signs.

On September 9, 2024, the mischievous planet of communication changed creameries. Here’s why Mercury in Virgo is coming at just the right time. And this is true for all signs of the zodiac.

You thought that once the stress of going back to school was over, you could take it easy? That’s because you haven’t read your September horoscope. After a little summer slowdown, all the cosmic cogs seem to be getting back on track for September 2024. Well, almost. Some celestial precipitation and astral thunderbolts are to be expected. The fault lies with a Uranus retrograde that has a knack for pushing where it wasn’t needed, and Mars in Cancer that has planned to move your pawns forward, on the private life side. All without a safety net, except perhaps the delicacy of Venus in Libra and the excellent judgment of Mercury in an Earth sign. The star of the mind is no longer retrograde, but in addition, it is (re)passing into Virgo to help us keep a clear course. Or at least, to keep our heads above water. We’ll explain.

Mercury in Virgo: Our Mental Lifeline

If the astrological climate at the beginning of the month can be confusing, Mercury in Virgo is the perfect compass to find your way. Because the star is better known for its retrogrades than for its mythological origins, and that’s a shame. Mercury takes its name from the messenger of the gods, Hermes, also the god of business and oration. In astrology, it represents nothing more and nothing less than our ability to think. This is why Mercury is the cosmic godmother of the two brains of the zodiac: Gemini and Virgo. The first represents our ability to overflow with curiosity and ideas, and the second to organize them to find a concrete use for them. In short, Mercury in Virgo is a bit like the great problem solver. This means that the period from September 9 to 26 is an ideal window of opportunity to find the key to our problems. Those of today and those of tomorrow.

If Mercury in Virgo represents a clear mind, efficient thinking, and a practical sense that is foolproof, it especially advocates planning. Mercury in Virgo is not only there to unblock the hiccups of the moment, it much prefers to have prepared the ground well enough to not have to solve anything. Its thing? Prevention is better than cure. It’s time to play the fine strategist.

  • What to do during Mercury in Virgo? Focus on honest and effective speech. Improve, replace, or repair what can be. Plan the coming weeks, sort through your ideas, and keep only the essentials. Budget, do your accounts. Yes, even those for the holidays.
  • What should you watch out for during Mercury in Virgo? A little brittle side and an easy judgment that is better to delay to maintain good relationships with others. Also be careful not to be too demanding of others and yourself, to the point of questioning everything you do.

The effects of Mercury in Virgo on my sign

  • Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn: the three Earth signs take advantage of this moment to set the record straight. It’s a good time to negotiate, to ask for a favor. Their pragmatism has everything it takes to convince their audience and make their projects prosper. Especially since Mercury in Virgo gives stubborn Taurus and Capricorn the flexibility needed to admit their wrongs, which is no luxury.
  • Cancer, Scorpio: for these two very sensitive people, Mercury in Virgo allows them to see things more calmly. With them, it’s often all or nothing, but this transit (as well as Venus in Libra) forces them to sort things out and put things into perspective. Which will be very useful for defusing conflicts and annoyances. Needless to say, with Mars in Cancer ready to create drama at every turn, it will be more than useful.
  • Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo: spontaneous types, these fantastic four will be able to count on Mercury in Virgo to sort out their affairs. In terms of heart and money. Libra and Aquarius will finally look into what is wrong and realize that the solution is not so complex. For Aries and Leo, it will be a matter of making concessions so as not to end up broke as a penny by Christmas.
  • Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces: every time a star passes through the sign of Virgo, the other three cardinal signs are in discomfort. Which means that they are about to learn something. The enthusiastic Gemini and Sagittarius will be able to channel their ideas, avoid going off in all directions, and save precious time. As for Pisces, he pays more attention to details and listens more to the signals of his body. Result: he does less, but better. Win-win.

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