Zodiac Signs

New Moon, Full Moon: What Influence Will The Moon Have In September 2024?

At the start of the school year, the Moon is not a trivial matter. In astrology, it even holds a prominent place in monthly forecasts. Find out what the New Moon and Full Moon of September 2024 have in store for you.

Whether it’s to plan your Full Moon rituals or to anticipate the night when you might have trouble sleeping, we’ve put together a little lunar schedule for September 2024. When will the Full Moon and the New Moon take place? Which astrological signs will be most affected? We used astrology to find out what impact this September luncheon could have on you. Just to anticipate your lunar horoscope a little. Are you more on your honeymoon or out of phase? Follow the guide.

September 3: New Moon in Virgo and new beginnings

The start of the 2024 school year will be under the thumb of a particularly effective New Moon. It must be said that the sign of Virgo is the hard-working type. On Tuesday, September 3, the Moon will begin a new cycle at the same time as us. It’s the start of the new school year, a time to take stock. The time to tighten the screws after the holidays for some, and to get back to our comfortable little habits for others. In Virgo, the New Moon invites us to make room for new things in our daily lives and our intimacy.

  • The lessons of the New Moon in Virgo? Take care of ourselves and our health. Find a rhythm that suits us and stick to it. Improve what can be improved and get rid of what is no longer useful to us. With our loved ones, prioritize quality time over quantity.
  • The advantages of the New Moon? This New Moon in Virgo on September 3 forms a beautiful alliance with Mars in Gemini: motivation and communication are in tune.
  • The downsides of this New Moon? The opposition with Saturn in Pisces could cause some temporary doubts, on the professional side. Beware of excesses of perfectionism.
  • The signs most concerned:  Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn take advantage of this moment to do a big clean-up, inside and out. Pisces, Gemini, and Sagittarius should take advantage of this moment to get organized and settle administrative tasks left pending during the summer.

The Full Moon in Pisces on September 18th sells us a dream

It will be another supermoon: the September 2024 Full Moon will take place on Wednesday, September 18 in the sign of Pisces. In the spotlight? Intuition and compassion. While Virgo season teaches us self-discipline and mathematical rigor, this Full Moon gives pride of place to emotions. It’s time to let go of our logical minds a little and listen to our guts. We release the pressure of going back to school a little and take advantage of the last days of summer to let ourselves go. Pisces is the yoga teacher of the zodiac: so we don’t skimp on meditation, stretching, and naps. The Full Moon on the 18th also represents a dreamy break that also gives the green light to rapprochements.

  • The idea of ​​the Full Moon in Pisces on September 18? Re-enchant your daily life, and find new reasons to hope, and to love. With the energy of Pisces, everything is possible. Outbursts of generosity are encouraged, but also creative inspiration.
  • The advantages of this Full Moon in Pisces? More letting go and tenderness. Especially since Venus in Libra intensifies a romantic atmosphere. We also get closer to our dearest friends.
  • The downsides of the September Full Moon? Beware of forgetfulness, denial, and disillusionment.
  • The most impacted signs: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio will be favored during this Full Moon. The three Water signs will find a source of inspiration and something to recharge their emotional batteries. On the other hand, Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius will have to make a little more effort to let go.

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