Zodiac Signs

New Moon In Virgo On September 3rd: What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign

On September 3, 2024, the New Moon in Virgo definitively sets the mood for the start of the school year. Focus, desire to develop new skills, major sorting: here is an overview of what this moment means according to your astrological sign.

The Moon is also making its comeback. On Tuesday, September 3, around 4 a.m., the first phase of the Moon will take place: we are therefore starting a brand new cycle. Coincidence or synchronicity, this New Moon arrives just in time for the return to school, and this is the most studious sign of all: Virgo. Want to improve, to get better, and to get rid of the superfluous? This is the mood of the moment. Especially since this New Moon has some choice allies: the diplomatic Venus in Libra, and the charismatic Mercury in Leo. Even the latter had the good taste to end its retrograde just in time for the return to school. Here is what this New Moon portends for all astrological signs.

New Moon in Virgo: A Return to Calm

After a summer full of cosmic twists and turns, the celestial vault finally seems to calm down. Venus in Libra on August 29 softens our relationships with others and with ourselves: we treat ourselves, and we seek the company of those we appreciate. Mercury (communication, mental) has returned to the right path after a summer retrograde that sowed doubt throughout the zodiac. In short, all that was missing was this New Moon in Virgo to restore some order to our daily lives. The meaning of each phase of the Moon being important, in astrology, this Tuesday augurs a parenthesis to breathe a little and… get organized.

Back-to-school Monday has passed: what do we remember? Are we happy with the place we occupy in our family, our work, our circle of friends, or our relationships? What would be worth reviewing and correcting? Like the meticulous sign of Virgo, we dissect things to take a step back, see things more clearly, and readjust if necessary. It’s the ideal time to sort out our closets and our ideas. To set healthier frameworks in our relationships or at work. The timing is also perfect for organizing and planning: whether it’s a strategy, a trip, or a budget. The idea? To make room to approach the end of summer with peace of mind.

  • The bonus of the New Moon in Virgo: reason with your emotions, take a step back, take it upon yourself, and above all take care of yourself.
  • The negative side of the New Moon in Virgo: perfectionism and dissatisfaction that can make you want to solve all your problems at once.

What horoscope for the New Moon according to my sign?

Don’t forget to take a look at the horoscope of your ascendant, but also of your moon sign.

  • Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn: we’re taking advantage. This New Moon benefits them in the same way as the Virgo season. The three Earth signs are the type to need a moment of calm after the tumult of summer, so they’re far from complaining about this studious atmosphere. Virgo takes advantage of it to reconnect with their loved ones, Taurus to put their papers in order after doing nothing, and Capricorn to plan their fall.
  • Cancer, Scorpio, Leo: we’re taking a break. Everyone is taking advantage of this moment to have some time to think. Cancer, Scorpio, and Leo tend to take things very seriously, to the point of forgetting that they sometimes get carried away faster than reality. This New Moon in Virgo reminds them that sometimes all it takes is listening to the voice of reason to realize that this crush wasn’t the love story of their life or that this problem that seemed insurmountable was just a tiny hiccup.
  • Aries, Libra, Aquarius: slow down. The Fire sign Aries and the Air signs Libra and Aquarius are attracted to anything that goes fast. The pace of summer stimulates them and if they are back from vacation, they will need a moment to resume healthier habits. The idea? Don’t rush before throwing yourself headlong into a new craze, but check that our schedule, energy, and finances allow us to do so.
  • Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces: we prioritize. For the other four mutable signs (with Virgo), there is nothing easier than to let yourself be overwhelmed. By your curiosity and your desire to do everything at the same time for Gemini, by your passion and your desires for elsewhere for Sagittarius, and by your emotions and your dreams for Pisces. The New Moon in Virgo allows them to channel their desires and their projects for the start of the school year a little so that they can take shape.

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