Zodiac Signs

November Is Likely To Be A Complicated Month For These Two Astrological Signs

“Mixed-up.” In the middle of Scorpio season, a sign with an intense character, one might think that there is no middle ground. The most intense of the zodiac characters knows no doubt or hesitation. It is often said that with him: the glass is empty or it overflows. However, his season is based on November. A period sandwiched between Halloween, the New Year of the witches, and the end-of-year celebrations. A parenthesis, without excesses, therefore, which invites rest, calm, and above all, to take stock of our lives. We enter into introspection, we embrace the darkness by slowing down to better refocus, at home, in our cocoon. An emotionally loaded program, less socially. Does this mean that weeks will be smooth? If you are used to reading your horoscope, you know that with the planets, there is never a moment of calm. November could bring some astrological signs luck, but it also promises some serious challenges for two zodiac characters. Not everyone can be a winner. Here is the list of signs for whom November is tinged with a gray cloud. Take notes, the cosmic weather forecast predicts storms.

Horoscope: This astrological sign will have to stay focused in November

And that’s not his strong point. Known for being absent-minded and sometimes even disconnected from reality, the great dreamer that is Pisces could feel challenged by the stars. In the coming weeks, the planets invite him to review his method of organization and his life plans. It’s about asking the right questions to succeed in refining his strategy. What does he want? What dimension does he want to give to his career? What are the paths he wants to explore? The field of possibilities is expanding for the last sign of the zodiac. There is movement, the pace is accelerating.

It’s not easy to find the right routine. Pisces likes calm and is rather the lazy type (yes, we dare to say it!). However, in the coming weeks, appointments will come one after another and deadlines will tighten. While some nice surprises could emerge from all this excitement, Pisces risks feeling caught in a vice. On the one hand, there is the desire to move forward and assert oneself, and on the other, a certain fatigue that is starting to accumulate. Pisces will therefore have to find the right formula to succeed in maintaining its balance. It can count on Saturn (order, rules) to stick to a fixed plan. Pisces must learn to set its limits, to set a framework for itself. To avoid falling flat, it is in its best interest to refocus on its objective. Stay focused!

Horoscope: In November, this astrological sign could feel overwhelmed

The presence, this month, of many planets in Fire signs (the most excessive of the zodiac) forces everyone to work twice as hard. A boost that is not really to everyone’s taste. Scorpio, for example, risks feeling a little behind. If he is seized by a desire to shake up his habits to establish his authority and his position, the second Water sign of the zodiac is sticking his tongue out a little. The Sun in his sky invites him to question himself. He seeks to know where his security lies, and needs to be reassured on certain points. Problem: he seems to be running out of time since at the same time, projects follow one after the other and the pile of files to be processed keeps growing. Where to start? How to get out of it?

The planets advise the sign capable of stinging faster than its shadow to take a step back. It’s about prioritizing, letting go, and above all showing more kindness towards itself. A little rest and quiet times are not to be refused. Faced with all the agitation, it would be good for Scorpio to breathe a little to see more clearly. Its birthday season is a perfect opportunity to take stock and enter into introspection. We grant you, that the word can be scary, but it is also by questioning itself on the path taken that it will realize that the strength it needs is already within it. In short, we give ourselves a break to start again better!

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