Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius, Capricorn: Why The First Week Of July Could Shake Them Up

Retrograde planets, emotionally charged New Moon… The week of July 4 to 11, 2024 is complicated for two zodiac signs according to the horoscope of Jean-Yves Espié who gives them his little tips for getting back on their feet.

The beginning of summer is tense on Earth as it is among the stars. The first week of July brings good luck to some astrological signs, but others are taking the full brunt of a small celestial storm. Some cosmic changes are being felt, Mercury in Leo is reawakening passions (and egos) while Neptune and Saturn are quietly slipping away. Yes, the two behemoths of the sky are retrograding, leaving us somewhat in the dark for this beginning of summer. As a result, we are either lost or we activate the D system. D for “get by” but also for “behind every bad horoscope there is a good lesson to learn”. Here are the least fortunate this week, but above all, what they still have to do to reverse the trend.


This week, the Fire sign is getting back on its feet thanks to the arrival of Mercury in Leo. It is reconnecting with its charisma, its cheekiness, and its natural charm. The passions of Sagittarius are driving it, it is full of creativity. “It is time to renew yourself because the sky that animates you corresponds to a new deal”, explains Jean-Yves Espié. “You will have every chance of turning a good number of situations to your advantage”, only if you know how to do it and take it upon yourself. Because excess is the great fault of Sagittarius and Mercury in Leo accentuates it’s little “we will do as I said” side. Be careful not to want to impose your law on others at all costs. To do this, you will have to resist the urge to think that you are right in all places and take a step back. “Open your mind and detach yourself from the obsolete ideas that are holding you back”, advises the astrologer. Sagittarius, as a great idealist, sometimes has difficulty renewing himself but he could well come out on top if he learns to listen to others better.


That’s pretty good, the planet of action supports them. “With Mars and Uranus in Earth signs, it’s a question of inspiration to gain in efficiency,” encourages Jean-Yves Espié. Capricorns have a goal in mind and are very good at strategy. Rational, they are the type to prepare the ground before acting, to think carefully before launching… Sometimes a little too much. And Mars in Taurus, the slowest sign, does not help to move things forward quickly. Even if slowness can have its advantages, Capricorn has every interest in not hanging around too much to get started. “You have to move forward because the planets encourage you to take initiative.” Especially since the New Moon in Cancer on Saturday, July 6 triggers a change of desire and atmosphere in Capricorn. They want to move on, especially about their private and romantic life. The astrologer’s advice? “Think about new projects without letting doubts slow you down, because action must sometimes take precedence over reflection.” Capricorns will have to recalibrate their legendary caution to dare to take risks.

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