Zodiac Signs

September Starts (Very) Well For These Astrological Signs

Taking initiative, crush, and good vibes. The planets are responsible for twisting the lives of three astrological signs with a hint of magic. The week of September 5 to 11, 2024 promises them some nice surprises. Decryption.

The new school year has officially started. Goodbye to the holidays, the sun, and all the questioning caused by Mercury retrograde. Will the cosmic energies finally calm down? Will the planets’ round be able to resume its initial course? Of course, the return to school is never easy. Worse, in September, other stars are playing spoilsport. There is the return of Uranus retrograde and tensions expected at the start of the school year for one of the signs of the zodiac. Is this a reason to let yourself get down? Everything suggests otherwise. The week of September 5 to 11, 2024 is promising. At least that’s what Jean-Yves Espié promises in his weekly horoscope for three lucky people. A situation that is unblocking, the return of romance or beautiful moments to share with their loved ones. We take stock of the beautiful surprises of the moment. Say thank you to the stars.

Horoscope: In September, this astrological sign has everything to please

With the help of the planets, Sagittarius becomes the most fashionable bachelor of the week. There is no doubt that if he participated in the eponymous reality TV show, he would have been the one who obtained the rose of love. It must be said that Venus takes good care of him. “His effects in terms of charm will make you display the right signals to ease tensions and harmonize relationships with those you love,” warns the astrologer. After a slight lull, the wind is turning for the last Fire sign. He who perhaps had the impression of being subjected to stress and pressure can finally breathe. He manages to find the right words to make himself heard and is more attentive than usual.

A good point on the heart side, as at work where potential negotiations lean in his favor. Exchanges are thus facilitated thanks to the presence of Mercury in his friend Leo. “The planet of communication favors diplomacy and sharpens your sense of humor.” Relationships become sweeter and lighter. Life is good in the world of Sagittarius. Enough to advance his pawns gently. A rather quiet return therefore which allows him to restart the machine quietly after a somewhat eventful summer.

Horoscope: for this astrological sign, the week is ideal on the professional side

And that’s a good thing since she’s a good student of the zodiac. Back to school is her favorite time, the moment when she no longer has to hide her passion for journaling and stationery. The idea of ​​opening a new diary and starting brand new notebooks excites Virgo. She’s ready to embark on new adventures with a light heart and a sharp eye. This week, her lucky planet pushes her to go even further: “The arrival of Mercury during the week gives you a sharper mind and more fluid communication,” the astrologer emphasizes. A nice program to ensure her every success. It is without rushing, but with agility and meticulousness that Virgo gives a saving boost to her career. “The planet of the mind will be a precious asset to move your business forward calmly.”

She takes advantage of the good cosmic energies to put her files in order and to prepare for the rest of the year. Better still: the planet Mercury helps her find solutions, bounce back, and stand out. It is up to her to find innovative ideas and prepare the ground to better close the deal when the time comes. The challenge is huge, fortunately, her ambition pushes her to move mountains. A real asset to succeed in “channeling the influence of Saturn in your opposite sector”, underlines Jean-Yves Espié. Translation: in the coming days, Virgo dares to break free from her constraints. She heads straight towards her goal and focuses on her desires. The game is worth the candle since she will certainly succeed in “untangling a situation that has been blocked for a long time”. A new chapter in her story is about to begin. The best advice to follow is still to stay alert seize the opportunity and strike while the iron is still hot!

Horoscope: It’s time to take initiative for this astrological sign

The new school year seems to bring good luck to the Air Signs. This month starts beautifully for Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The latter is particularly affected by the good cosmic vibes. “United in a protective duo, Venus and Jupiter bring you charm and luck,” says the astrologer. When love and expansion merge, we can expect a lot. Aquarius could then feel like they are growing wings that will take them straight to the top. Between an intensified power of conviction and a plethora of good ideas, the last Air sign just has to let itself be carried along. But be careful, this is not the time to rest on your laurels. Quite the opposite. The period is ideal for moving forward.

Poker move and all in. He has every chance of winning the bet. “Take the initiatives expected of you, and the obstacles you thought were insurmountable will disappear very quickly,” promises Jean-Yves Espié. No detail will be able to make him back down. Aquarius is not afraid, he knows how to defend himself and above all will be able to count on his originality to take a step back and prove how talented he is. A godsend that will boost his self-confidence.

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