Zodiac Signs

Tarot Forecast For All Signs Of The Zodiac For The Week From August 8 To 14

Aries – 2 of Pentacles

Your week will be filled with small things, but it will take great dexterity and diligence to manage everything, distribute it according to time and importance and not miss anything. But for all the impetuosity of your nature, you have both thoroughness and quick wits, so everything will work out.

Taurus – 2 of Wands

Now you have to combine – two classes, two projects, two topics. You can, of course, look for and attract partners, they will help you cope with everything. The main thing is to correctly assess the scope of tasks and have room for maneuvers.

Gemini – Jester

These days, allow yourself to be frivolous, and windy, not to take anything seriously. Now there is little demand from you, no responsibility lies with you, and you can move in any direction you like. Jump on one leg, relax!

Cancer – 7 of Pentacles

You did everything that depended on you, now you just have to wait. Be patient, the results will come, and what will grow will grow, something will work out. And everything will come exactly in due time, it’s not worth rushing now and fussing too.

Leo – 10 of wands

These days, accumulated fatigue can begin to affect – deeds, responsibilities, from worries that you have taken on yourself. And you try to remember, initially to whom and why all this was necessary, and is it really necessary now? Maybe stop carrying this load?

Virgo – 8 cups

And it’s time for you to shake yourself up, look around – and, perhaps, you will understand that you are not so comfortable in the once-current situation, you just got used to it. But it is possible in another way, only for a new path it is necessary to take at least the first step, and decisively and without looking back. But it’s time for you to leave.

Libra – 2 cups

Interesting and pleasant acquaintances, new contacts, and perhaps proposals that will please you and will be made honestly and with sincere interest are waiting for you these days. So communicate more these days, it will be with pleasure, and, possibly, with benefit in the future.

Scorpio – Queen of Wands

These days, be proactive, using all your charm, all your inherent ardor – and everything will be as you decide and want. People around you will listen to you and follow you, and be able to use your influence.

Sagittarius – Hierophant

And the new school year is coming soon. Whether you are teaching someone or learning yourself is not so important, now is the time to choose new areas of knowledge and mentors, because we are learning all our lives. Ask for advice from the elders and experienced, or even from the Higher powers, and read smart books – now someone else’s wisdom will benefit you.

Capricorn – Queen of Cups

It is time to pour out your emotions into the world around you, stop keeping them in yourself, and it doesn’t matter if something happens to you that caused feelings, or if you sympathize or resent what is happening around you or with others. The main thing is not to hide your feelings, to cry and laugh sincerely and in full.

Aquarius – Hanged Man

Unfortunately, these days there will be a lot of worries, but a little sense, things will not move, there will be no progress, and time is empty and viscous, which, of course, is not encouraging. But this period must simply be endured, silently and calmly.

Pisces – 7 of Wands

These days, competitors can become more active, those who believe that you live too well or are too successful and climbed high. There will be attempts to challenge your results, to move you from your positions, so be on the lookout and get ready to prove that you are rightfully in your place.

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