Zodiac Signs

Tarot Spread For Each Zodiac Sign – February 6 To 12

What to expect from a relationship with your loved one – quarrels or harmony? Who will be lucky to meet their soul mate? Tarot cards know the answer.

Tarot spread for Aries for the week – 3 of swords

It seems that your relationship has cooled to such an extent that the situation cannot be corrected, and there is not a drop of trust left between you. The time has come when the secret becomes clear. You’ll have to get to know his “skeletons in the closet.” But it is quite possible that they will not surprise you in any way, and you are ready for them. Despite all this, you still haven’t learned to talk about such things out loud, but in vain! Don’t lose heart, stay optimistic, don’t let the situation break you.

taurus weekly tarot spread – The Chariot

You are going through difficult times right now. No matter how you try to influence your partner, the results will be disappointing. Now the most important thing is not to lose control of yourself. Your fixation on your soulmate pretty much spoils your mood and can leave an unpleasant imprint on your psyche or even your health. You need to confidently move forward, no matter what. Take care of yourself! If you have not yet found your partner, then, unfortunately, this week you will have to continue the path of being single.

Weekly tarot spread for Gemini – Page of Pentacles

Try to avoid material issues this week, otherwise there is a risk of accusing each other of greed or improper budget allocation. But the map does not provide any guarantee that there will be no other reason for disagreement. Routine and monotony will provoke misunderstandings and conflicts between you, and no one will want to make concessions. Unfortunately, a week can throw up other troubles, for example, an unwanted pregnancy. The card also advises checking any information about your partner from strangers. Despite all the grievances and disappointments in your union, the card recommends not denying your partner intimacy – this can greatly aggravate existing problems.

Weekly tarot spread for Cancer – Hierophant

Your relationship can be called mature; there is trust and understanding in it. A marriage proposal may be just around the corner. These circumstances can be called your merit: the wisdom shown in time has borne fruit. Pay attention to the advice of the adult next to you: his wise recommendations will help you maintain your family idyll.

If you haven’t found your love yet, try to delve into your past, there you can find answers to some questions. By the way, this week there is a chance to find a suitable partner for you, similar in spiritual principles. In any personal situation that occurs during this period, act fairly without betraying your principles.

Tarot spread for Leo for the week – 7 of Wands

If your relationship is undergoing a crisis, this week there is a high chance of breathing new life into it, but for this, you will need to show courage, and determination and not forget about justice. You may have to make an important decision during this period, but you need to think first and then act, and not the other way around. If you’re single, it’s time to set a goal to build your love. Don’t be afraid to act, and you will succeed.

Weekly tarot spread for Virgo – Magician

This week you can meet a true seducer of women’s hearts. Don’t rush to start a serious relationship with him or count on anything at all – this person will ally only if he feels that he will benefit from it. Your sense of self-love and integrity should not allow you to rush into making a choice.

If you have a partner, the card warns that you may step on the same rake again and start raking up old problems. Instead, you should show wisdom. Something is preventing you from soberly assessing the situation. It may seem that your partner is only causing you inconvenience and you are wasting your time on him, but this is not a reason to manipulate your other half.

Tarot spread for Libra for the week – 8 cups

It seems that your relationship is hopeless and cannot be rehabilitated. In any case, change is inevitable, and you are unlikely to survive it easily. Perhaps this will happen due to circumstances beyond your control (for example, due to moving). If this happens, then the best advice for you is to accept the situation and thank her for the invaluable experience. If you are single, this week you may start a new relationship, but it will not be based on warm feelings but on the desire to find a partner.

Weekly tarot spread for Scorpio – 4 of Pentacles

There may be conflicts and disagreements in your couple based on everyday issues. Even relatives may be involved in your quarrel. You don’t want to take into account your partner’s principles; your views are directed in different directions. If you end your relationship this week, it could be costly for both of you. There is one simple and effective way to preserve your union: respect your partner always, and not just when you need something from him.

Tarot spread for Sagittarius for the week – 5 of swords

This week you may experience what is called a “knife in the back” or a “low blow.” Changing your troubled relationships is possible, but it can be very expensive. Think about it, is it worth it? Yes, it’s hard, and you’re afraid of making a mistake. But this defeat will benefit you more than victory in the struggle to save this relationship. If you are not ready to leave this love union, take a wait-and-see attitude and stop fighting the circumstances.

Tarot spread for Capricorn for the week – Judgment

You may have to endure a temporary separation from your loved one, and you will also be visited by a feeling of remorse and remorse, and your emotions will cause inconvenience not only to you but also to those around you. It’s time to let go of the past and get rid of unnecessary thoughts – they have a detrimental effect on your mental and physical state. Fate itself will put everything in its place, there is no point in worrying. Everything can be ruined by your unwillingness to develop and move forward. If it so happens that you are drawn into a love triangle, the card advises you to make a choice to do just that, and to do it immediately.

Tarot spread for Aquarius for the week – King of Cups

Harmony and mutual understanding reign in your personal life. This card also indicates the sexual compatibility of partners. Now you are going through a wonderful period in your personal life, full of romanticism, tenderness, and enjoyment of each other. Continue to listen to and support your partner. If the place for your partner is vacant, but there is a person for whom you feel emotions, do not be afraid to take the first step, later you will realize that you acted wisely.

The relationships acquired during this period can greatly inspire and inspire you, but you don’t need to adjust the man to your high standards. Everything will still not go according to the scenario that you came up with, so let spontaneity into your life and learn to look at the situation from a positive point of view.

Weekly tarot spread for Pisces – Queen of Pentacles

This week you are destined to enjoy all sensual pleasures. Your man will make you feel protected, and this may encourage you to agree to start a family because a proposal is just around the corner! Don’t let the fear that unresolved material issues cause stop you. Cast aside all doubts – it’s time not only to look for protection in others but also to show maturity yourself.

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