Zodiac Signs

Tarot Spread For Each Zodiac Sign For The Week From October 10 To October 16

Do you want to know what this week has in store for you? Then quickly read the Tarot layout for each zodiac sign from the grand master of Tarot Olna Lemberg!

Aries – Lovers

This week, expect, at a minimum, interesting contacts, offers, and pleasant communication. You will have to make a choice – both possibilities are good, but one completely excludes the other. However, all offers will be honest, interesting, and sincere – so think calmly and choose carefully.

Taurus – Knight of Wands

You will have to – and you will succeed! – take the initiative, lead some kind of breakthrough, flash through with a bright flash that dispels the darkness of routine, give acceleration and heat to ongoing and inhibiting processes, ignite in every sense))).

Gemini – Knight of Cups

This week, expect increased attention, including from men. Rejoice and show off, just don’t take it seriously – these are just the days, the planets are aligned in the sky and it won’t last long. But it’s time to rejoice at the surge of emotions.

Cancer – 7 of Cups

These days you are all in dreams, flying away into blue and pink distances. Dreams decorate life and provide a welcome respite from everyday life – and that’s why they are good. But don’t get too carried away, try not to break away from the realities of your life, and don’t lose solid ground under your feet.

Leo – Emperor

These days you have to become a support and guarantor for those around you, lead, take power and responsibility into your own hands, decide by what rules everything will happen, and how to force everyone to follow these rules.

Virgo – 5 of Pentacles

And again you may have financial difficulties, and not only material ones – a difficult time. And, unfortunately, those around you will not be able to help you now – things are no better for them. So be economical, and careful in your contacts, but somehow cope with yourself, and do not impose your troubles on anyone. Everything passes, and you too will be lucky someday.

Libra – 4 cups

And you are somewhat tired of your well-being – everything is nourishing, cozy, warm, and very boring. Everything is boring and the smooth background of your life is about to drive you into complete despondency. Just try to use the situation as a time for a break – new events are already on the doorstep!

Scorpio – Knight of Swords

This week, expect conflicts, and attacks, and be ready to show toughness, even aggression, in response. Whoever comes to us with a sword… – you know it yourself. But it’s better to behave in such a way that no one simply dares, everyone would be scared in advance).

Sagittarius – Moon

But with you, everything is vague, unsteady. Those around are friends. Enemies, people who love you or plotting nasty things – you can’t understand. The same people can be both sincere and deceitful at the same time. And you’re not confident in yourself these days. It is complete twilight, and in the wrong light illusions and troubles arise. So just wait it out, don’t leave your place, don’t peer into mirages, soon the sun will rise and everything will be clear

Capricorn – Knight of Pentacles

And everything is still good for you, be satisfied and don’t strive now for an illusory better. You are in your place, your position is stable and reliable and there is no need to change anything now. Some conservatism inherent in your nature can and should support you now, and the desire for change is from the evil one).

Aquarius – 6 of Pentacles

These days, expect a revival of contacts and movement, primarily in the material sphere. Funds will come and go, receive and spend, do not be greedy, and do not be too wasteful. Help, if you can, those who are in need, do not hesitate to ask for help if you are in need.

Pisces – Wheel of Fortune

And all sorts of surprises can happen to you – random interesting meetings, changes that you do not expect, but which will add acceleration to life, events that change the measured rhythm of life. But it’s always interesting).

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