Zodiac Signs

The biggest obstacle you will face in love, according to your sign

When it comes to love and relationships, it will never be perfect. Regardless of your relationship status, obstacles in your love life are inevitable.

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Attitude: “Me before anything and anyone!”

As an Aries, you might be the type of person to cancel dates at the last minute because your friends have invited you to do something exciting and you don’t want to miss the opportunity. This works if you have a partner who has no problem with your independence. If not, it can cause some frustration for both parties. Because you may have a mentality like: “Me before everything and everyone!”, you have a very competitive nature. When you’re going full speed, you can’t expect your partner to always keep up with you. But, remember that your partner is not your competition. He’s your teammate, so treat him like one!

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

You like to stay in your comfort zone.

Everyone knows that what you look for in a relationship is comfort. You will always want to do the old things that you are familiar with. Once you find something that works for you, you stick with it. There’s nothing wrong with reaching a comfort zone, but relationships need to continually evolve if you want them to last. Learning how to spice things up and step out of your comfort zone can help your relationship thrive. 

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

Jealousy of the partner.

When it comes to love, finding the right partner is very important to you. You need someone who can stimulate you intellectually and be ok with your flirtatious nature. This can make your partner very jealous because you are used to flirting with everyone you meet. It’s very important to make sure your partner understands that flirting doesn’t mean anything to you, it’s just in your nature.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Your intense feelings.

You’re a water sign, so you’re in close touch with your feelings. Unfortunately, you take everything way too personally, which can turn even the smallest problems into big emotional trials. You have to learn how to be mature and practical and not let everything affect you so much. Sometimes your partner misses your calls and there is no need to get upset and take it as a reproach if he tells you so. He doesn’t accuse you of anything, take it as it is!

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Your ego.

If you were born under the sign of Leo, the biggest obstacle in love is your ego. You like to get all the attention and be the best. But when you’re in a relationship, it’s not always going to be all about you. Your partner won’t always give you compliments and won’t always be there for you when you call. If you can be ok with that and even give him what you want from him, your relationship should work just fine.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

Your need for perfection.

Virgo is known to be a perfectionist. Her biggest problem in love is her attitude of finding fault. If his standards are not met, he will certainly say hurtful words or criticize on purpose. Even if the intention is to help or make things better, the results are the complete opposite. To be successful romantically, you have to learn how to find the beauty in the big picture and not focus so much on the little things.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Your need for total balance.

If you’re born under the sign of Libra, your biggest wish might be for the boat not to rock at all. Your biggest obstacle in love are those little lies you tell to avoid conflict. You are the type of person who waits for the waters to calm down on their own. You can overlook red flags in hopes that someone will change. But when that doesn’t happen, you tend to become a ghost. After all, you hate conflict. So your big lesson here is to be OK with communication. If you want something to change, you have to call things out, be open and honest about your feelings.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Your trust issues.

Scorpio is known to be an extremely intense and passionate person. It thrives on dramatic situations and will sometimes cause drama just for fun. If you want to have a good relationship, the biggest obstacle to overcome is the need to be in control. Trust that your partner is being honest with you. You need to learn to relax and find a little more emotional stability in your relationship and not tear the thread apart every time.

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Always looking for something different.

As a Sagittarius, you’re always thirsty for adventure. For this reason, the biggest obstacle in love may be your desire for something different. You enjoy new people and new places, because your desire for knowledge often brings out the best in you, and you are often quick to move on from someone or something in every way. If you find someone you really like, give them a chance to settle in before you decide to take off. The longer you stay with someone, the more new and interesting things you will discover about them.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

You don’t like to share your feelings.

Capricorn does not like to reveal their feelings. You’re an Earth sign, so you tend to be very grounded in reality and very practical. These are not bad traits at all. But, your partner needs to see and know how you feel for your relationship to work. Learn to relax more and connect with your feelings. It’s ok to share them from time to time and your loved one will welcome them.

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

You have a somewhat unconventional approach to love.

Love is different for everyone. But sometimes you can be a little too eccentric in your approach to love. You are not the type to follow the traditions of society and you like to surprise your partner. This may bother those who like conventional relationships. You care about the person you’re with, but you just don’t express your affection like a normal person. You have to learn that not everyone is the same as you and rethink your behavior to make the person next to you feel loved.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Idolization of the partner.

If you were born under the sign of Pisces, your biggest obstacle in love is idolizing your partner. You tend to live in a fantasy world that you have created in your mind. It’s nice to see the positive side in everything, but the danger in doing so is that you end up disappointed when things don’t go exactly as you imagine. So make sure you try to see the reality and the truth, see your partner for who they really are. We all have good sides and bad sides, and he is no exception.

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