Zodiac Signs


The first new moon in 2023 is happening on January 21st at 3:56 pm ET, and it’s taking place in Aquarius — the planet of innovation, and transformation. This means that a bright light is shining into your life and illuminating all of the parts of yourself that are unique, and that help you to stand out in a crowd.

Forming a sextile with Jupiter in the most impulsively intense planet, Aries — this new moon is blanketing the world with deeply powerful energy. Now is the time to ask the Universe for what you want, and to manifest your dream life. There are so many possibilities for every single sign in 2023, and this is the perfect moment for you to run toward them. Don’t hold back, and let your vision and your requests run wild — the stars are listening.

If your sun, moon, or rising falls within any of the following zodiac signs, the first new moon of the year is going to especially favor you and your dreams. Hold on tight!


Taurus — lately, you are the talk of the town. This powerful new moon is shining a lot of energy into your 10th house of public image, which is meant to empower you to share your gifts with the world. You are in the perfect place to receive accolades for your talents and for the work you do. If you have been wanting to apply for a certain position or start a project that ignites you — this is the time to follow your vision.

Taurus, you are one of the most passionate signs in the zodiac when it comes to putting your ideas, and your mind, into this world. Use your creativity to your advantage right now, and don’t hold back, because the Universe is here to affirm and reward all of the risks you have the potential to take. The dreams you have had for your future, for who you want to be here — they are all going to come true a lot faster than you may even realize.

Congratulations, Taurus. This new moon is the start of something beautiful for you. Nothing can stand in your way.


Leo — your relationships are about to get a lot more passionate due to the new moon and the energy it is bringing into your life. This celestial shift is going to empower you to add more meaning to your connections. Shining down on your seventh house of lovers, friendships, and enemies, this new moon is motivating you to take a deeper look at the people in your life, and the roles that each of them plays in your heart. You’re also going to be paying more attention to the kind of human being you are — how do you show up for others, how do you express yourself when you care? How do you contribute to relationships, and how can you expand into kinder dynamics? This is all preparing you for an awe-inspiring love, so don’t be afraid of doing the hard work right now.

Leo – the energy being poured into your life is indicating that your future is going to be a beautiful one. You are going to experience so much at the hands of love, and connection, but right now you have to decide who you want to share that depth with. Look inwards, and follow your heart.


Aquarius — even though you may not always like to admit it, you love to stand out and be noticed. Despite your sign sometimes tending to be shy and reserved, always preferring to stay out of the spotlight, you can’t help but enjoy feeling seen and valued for who you truly are deep down. You don’t mind being known in that way.

With this new moon, you are going to experience just that, as it begins to light a spark within your first house of self. You are going to feel reborn and renewed, and you might even look in the mirror and feel like you don’t recognize yourself. Your confidence, and the way you hold yourself in this world, are shifting in the most empowering way, and it isn’t going to go unnoticed.

You are being encouraged by the Universe to take advantage of this expansion and to embrace the person you are evolving into. Now is the time to celebrate yourself, and how much you have opened yourself up to growth. Aquarius — you may not be the same person you were yesterday, and that may overwhelm you at times, but you are transforming into the best version of yourself, and that is something you should be proud of.

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