Zodiac Signs

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Now Meeting A Special Person

Three zodiac signs experience a week of many intense feelings. Find out in the love horoscope from December 4th whether you belong too.

Christmas is getting closer and closer and many people are now particularly longing for romance and togetherness. This wish could finally come true for three zodiac signs. You will meet a very special person in the week beginning December 4th.

The lovers under the three zodiac signs also experience a magical week. Find out here whether you too are one of the 3 lucky children in love.

#1 Aries

Aries singles have a very good chance of meeting someone who will take their breath away in the week beginning December 4th. One or two spontaneous Christmas market visits could play into Aries’s hands here. You are open and flirt as much as you can. With your humor and charm, you attract several admirers. But you quickly realize that only one person interests you.

In relationships, things are particularly erotic. You like to spend a lot of time in your cozy bed and heat each other. It’s going to be fiery!

#2 Scorpio

The Scorpio rarely lets one look behind the facade. But right now you can’t help but think how good you think this person is. You are completely on the same wavelength and you would like to get things done straight away. Trust your intuition. You will notice when the time is right.

Scorpios in a relationship spend a lot of time together and deepen their bond. You are affectionate and want to soak up every moment. You love trips to the spa together and enjoying wellness treatments. Your motto: The main thing is together.

#3 Cancer

There is love in the air! Cancers throw themselves into dating life and find what they are looking for! You make an acquaintance that confuses you. The person fulfills everything you want from your future spouse. So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step and ask for a date!

Married Cancers find an optimal balance between activities with their partner and time alone or with friends. This is how you manage to make everyone around you happy.

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