Zodiac Signs

These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Be Least Affected By The Effects Of The 2023 Blood Moon Eclipse

During Scorpio season, enthusiasm for change isn’t always there, as Scorpios, as a fixed water sign, have a natural preference for stability and control.

People born under this sign tend to resist circumstances that are beyond their control. Instead of giving in to their impulses, they demonstrate great self-control to pursue their goals and ambitions.

However, the October 2023 Blood Moon partial eclipse will bring some good luck, especially for the four zodiac signs least affected by this final eclipse of the year. This eclipse will lead them to realize that it marks a turning point because the changes it brings will impact the next six months.

On an astrological level, this eclipse brings good prospects, thanks to the positive influence of Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, opportunity, and growth, and you might feel these new energies before and after it goes direct in December.

What is a partial lunar eclipse?

Lunar eclipses occur when a full moon occurs at the same time when the Earth, sun, and moon are all aligned, causing the Earth’s shadow to fall onto the moon’s surface. It only happens three times a year, making lunar eclipses rare and full moons more intense.

This month’s lunation in particular is considered a partial lunar eclipse, meaning that the three celestial bodies will not be fully aligned, resulting in the moon being only partially covered by Earth’s shadow.

When does the October 2023 lunar eclipse take place?

On October 28 at 10:25 p.m. PST, the partial lunar eclipse in Taurus will take place at 5 degrees, illuminating each sign’s desire for increased tangible support, comfort, and security. If you have neglected your need for concrete pleasure, now will be the time to refocus your efforts on these desires.

Whether it’s finances, material things, or any other tangible resource, this eclipse will remind you to say yes to what you crave, especially if it relates to your livelihood, well-being, and quality of life.

Here’s how Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces will be affected by the upcoming October lunar eclipse:


Eclipses are always about a full cycle, and this time, Cancer, it’s about your impact on the world. During the October lunar eclipse, it will influence your 11th house, which is associated with social awareness, groups, and your sense of belonging to a collective.

This eclipse will occur near Jupiter retrograde in Taurus, highlighting the stability and enthusiasm of your social networks, connections, and your hopes and aspirations for the future.

Additionally, Venus, the ruled planet of this eclipse, will transit your third house, relating to communication, reflection, siblings, close friends, and the local environment. This could reveal unexpected information.

Are you ready to fully commit to your personal and professional goals? Now is the time to count on the support of your community, which has grown remarkably.


This lunar eclipse shines the spotlight on your intimate sphere, particularly influencing your eighth house, linked to shared financial matters, intimacy, personal boundaries, and shared resources.

Additionally, with Venus transiting your 12th house, which is all about closure, self-sabotage, and unconscious patterns, you may be faced with a deeper understanding of the factors that influence your emotional and psychological reactions.

You may have previously thought that power and control in your relationships were essential, but this latest eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio series encourages a healing process. It’s time to develop a healthier perspective on love, boundaries, and intimate exchanges.

If something has awakened your vulnerability, it may be beneficial to explore it. If you find that someone is not respecting your boundaries, or if you are having difficulty respecting other people’s boundaries, it may be a good idea to start an honest conversation about it.


Change can be a breath of fresh air when life starts to seem too monotonous.

The final eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio series will impact your sixth house, which concerns work, health, and daily activities.

It could therefore lead to changes in your daily routine. This will occur simultaneously with the influence of Venus, which brings stabilizing and healing energy to your tenth house, linked to career, authority, and public reputation.

This raises questions about how your professional values ​​have evolved over the past year. Are your daily habits in line with your future aspirations? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by long-term goals, it might be time to take a break and remind yourself to take things one step at a time.

This lunar eclipse, associated with Jupiter, your ruling planet, could provide many opportunities. The key lies in optimizing your daily rituals and engagement, so you get the most out of your time and energy.


You may have noticed changes in your relationships, particularly regarding your sense of security within those relationships. The upcoming October lunar eclipse will influence your third house, which concerns communication, thought processes, as well as your relationships with siblings and close friends.

It could highlight significant changes in your local business and in the way you communicate and interpret information. In other words, it’s wise not to take everything that circulates as truth, because gossip isn’t always the best use of your time.

Additionally, Venus intensifies the atmosphere of your seventh house, which relates to individual relationships. Reflecting on the past two years, what have you learned about intimacy, loyalty, and building successful partnerships?

This eclipse will offer you the opportunity to resolve conflicts pragmatically and find compromises in your relationship. Compromise is essential, but that doesn’t mean you always have to give in.

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