Zodiac Signs

These 4 Zodiac Signs Will Get Lucky With Their Goals During November’s New Moon

You will be full of passion and dynamism from November 13 for 15 days. Eclipse season may be over, but major upheavals continue to occur in the universe. This is the Beaver Moon, a new moon that will reach its peak on November 13, 2023, at 10:27 a.m. (Paris time) in the powerful sign of Scorpio.

Under the influence of this water sign, our passions come to the fore, and our heart’s desires seem within reach, especially if you’re one of the four zodiac signs most influenced by this November new moon. In astrology, new moons are usually times to catch your breath and set intentions for the future, and that holds here.

However, this luncheon is also the ideal time to develop a concrete action plan. What path should you follow to achieve your dreams?

Let the Beaver Moon strengthen your confidence that you can achieve your goals.
The November 13 new moon in Scorpio will reignite our inner fire, as it is the last opportunity of the year to take bold actions,” referring to a tense future new moon scheduled for December 12.

This luncheon involves planting new seeds, but Scorpio is also asking you to shed some baggage. Being fearless could mean the need to let certain people go or, as Montufar points out, to use the moon’s energy “to free ourselves from the past.”

Here are the four zodiac signs that will have the most luck with their goals during the November new moon:


This new moon reignites your desire for intimacy, Taurus, and may even foster new relationships.

It will be important to keep an open mind and not fear being vulnerable to others. Single Taurus people will be encouraged to engage in romantic adventures.

For those who are in a relationship, you may feel a greater attraction towards your partner, so don’t overlook this opportunity! The key is to cultivate this connection. If you’re serious about improving your love life, you might also consider seeing a professional, such as a couples therapist or life coach.


If you’ve been overwhelmed by work with no time to relax, Leo, it’s time to set boundaries.

However, this does not mean that you should completely neglect another aspect of your life, because everything is interconnected. Leos can expect changes at home that could influence their career, or vice versa.

You might have the opportunity to work from home, or a conversation with your partner might generate new professional or personal ideas.

Take a deep breath. This new moon could give you the break you need to avoid burnout.


The game is called “Manifest”, Scorpion. With the new moon in your natal sign, it will be time for a complete transformation.

Review all aspects of your life, abandon old beliefs, and put new plans into action.

Anything Scorpios start at this time will have an opportunity to take flight under this fascinating new moon. Since the Beaver Moon forms a trine with Neptune, which rules the mystical realm, it’s time to turn your dreams into reality.


This new moon sparks interest in your public life, Aquarius, and you may feel added pressure with the attention on you. However, have confidence and be bold in your work! Your career is about to shine brightly, especially as powerful Pluto is set to enter your sign in March 2024.

Since this new moon forms a sextile with Pluto, this is the beginning of a long-term story that will develop in the professional field.

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