Zodiac Signs

These 4 Zodiac Signs Would Never Lie

Some people do tell fibs – the saying “lies have short legs” definitely applies here. But some always tell the truth. According to the horoscope, some signs of the zodiac would never lie. 

There are people who simply ALWAYS tell the truth and would never lie – even if the situation is extremely uncomfortable or the truth would simply hurt. But lying is simply out of the question for them – this is especially true for the three signs of the zodiac.

These zodiac signs always tell the truth


Aries people are impulsive and passionate – two characteristics that would never be compatible with lying. If you need an honest opinion, you should get it from this star sign. Aries is also perfect when someone has gone astray and can set the other person straight. With them, you just know where you stand!


Virgos are extremely honest with their fellow human beings and colleagues. Lying would never occur to them – they always tell the brutal truth or sometimes criticize. This can be uncomfortable – but it is better to be honest than to lie to someone. And if they do resort to a white lie, it is quickly seen through – because the star sign tends to exaggerate.


Sagittarius is full of power! This star sign is very honest – lying makes no sense to him. And if he did, he would have a really bad conscience afterward. This star sign’s honesty doesn’t always make him popular – but he is well aware of that. He doesn’t tell well-meant lies! Since he doesn’t always make friends with them, it would be better if he kept some things to himself.


Leos are very self-confident and always tell you what they think. The fire sign simply cannot hold back its words. They are not afraid to be honest – even if it can be uncomfortable at times. But they also expect the other person to tell the truth. They absolutely cannot stand being lied to.

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