Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 14th March 2023


A pleasant position of our satellite is underway, for Aries, on the day favorable for your sign. You are in excellent shape. Anyone who has been sedentary lately can take courage in both hands and start a minimum of physical activity. Health will thank you soon.


Even today, for Taurus, the nocturnal star is in the astrological house of reconstitution. It’s time to mend a relationship that, in the last few days, has risked tearing itself apart or has torn itself apart. Will you be able to find the right words to make it clear that perhaps you were wrong?


Today, a difficult position for our satellite followed… You will not seem very reliable, in the eyes of the person whose heart you have stolen. You are very attracted by the beauty of others, almost forgetting that, for a truly satisfying relationship, there are other values ​​too!


If you have a steady partner, don’t let them go today: there’s an opportunity to reinvigorate and excite a relationship that was too stable again! Today, your patron star is in the Field of everyday life, for Cancer… You will know how to have a sexy day.


This Tuesday, a smooth aspect of our satellite continues for your Fire sign. You will be very athletic. Someone who likes fit people notices this and points out – in a somewhat veiled way – how much they appreciate your current shape.


For your Earth sign, an unpleasant aspect of our satellite is taking place this Tuesday. A period continues where people think you are being superficial. You may want to use more soulful words to convey your attachment.


“Some say that you appear a little superficial; others, that you are cheerful and that it is very pleasant to be in your company. Who should you listen to? On this day, the night star is in easy transit, for you Libras. You will also know how to have fun in more boring contexts…”


Even if your work takes a long time, don’t forget to contact the most important people in your life again today. On the day of the week that is positive for you, the Moon transits, through your sign of Water, in the House of material goods. There will be an important exchange of favors.


New and interesting things are happening now that the stars allow you to see the world with new eyes. A moment of positive renewal continues. On this day, for Sagittarius, a smooth aspect of our satellite is taking place, which makes you enterprising.


For you Capricorns, the Moon still transits the House of the unconscious today. When you talk to people you care about, or who may influence your life, be careful not to hurt them because today you lack some sensitivity. Why take this risk with no counterpart?


People close to you appreciate your ability to smile at even the most boring things. There is a tasty aspect of the Moon, for Aquarius, on this day… You will also be able to improve the mood of someone who hasn’t been able to laugh much lately.


Your loved one thinks you don’t have the right concentration to dedicate yourself to them, and they may think you’re almost a lost case! For Pisces, a complicated aspect of the Moon continues today! Find a way to show your attachment more effectively.

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