Zodiac Signs

Today’s Horoscope 18th April 2023


The week is starting to look better than it started. On the day favorable for your sign, for Aries, a pleasant conjunction of the nocturnal star begins… The desire to do increases and you can make a good impression in the profession with those who attract you.


Don’t be short-tempered even when someone is trying hard to piss you off. The night star is in the Astrological House of Unforeseen Difficulties, starting this Tuesday. You have to stay away from provocations, there are more important things to think about.


After a period in which you felt a little scared, you recover your courage and you can achieve important, impossible goals without throwing your heart over the obstacle. Starting from this day, for your Air sign, the nocturnal star is in harmonious aspect…


Be careful how you speak in the presence of your loved one: some of your words could give the impression that you are impatient and that your fidelity even needs to be questioned. Starting today, for Cancer, there is a complicated aspect of the night star.


You will know how to be direct with someone who does not make clear what your intentions are. On this day, an easy position of our satellite is formed for Leo. You will free yourself from a burden that has been slowing you down for far too long, and you will soon take flight.


For you, Virgos, the Moon shows itself in the astrological house of reconstruction, this Tuesday… So the mood is not exactly optimistic. Now, however, you feel more independent and you can embark on a new idea, which – as you already suspect – will bring satisfaction.


You are too restless and give your loved one the impression that you have too many thoughts on your mind to give them proper attention. For you, Librans, a complicated aspect of our satellite is forming today. Try to listen to other people’s versions as well.


You want to get to the top and you know how to do it. The Moon is located in the field of passion, for you Scorpio, starting from the day in your favor… you will have important energies, which you will be able to exploit to get yourself noticed by someone who can make you take a great leap forward.


Starting this Tuesday, the nocturnal star is in easy aspect to Sagittarius. A period has finally ended in which someone wanted to take advantage of your naivety. Now you are much more determined and face the smart ones with the right determination.


This Tuesday, the Moon presents itself in tiring disposition for your Earth sign. Your short temper is not in your favor. You could turn a small misunderstanding into a conflict that doesn’t do you or the other person any good. Be accommodating.


Today, for you Aquarians, a favorable aspect of our satellite is starting. You look (and are) very smart. Your independent way of interpreting life allows you to carry out an activity that most of the time scares the people who are confronted with it.


The Moon is in the House of Material Goods, starting this Tuesday… Your ambition leads you to achieve respectable business success. Beware, however, of the vehemence that characterizes you these days: it could cost you dearly if you don’t behave moderately.

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