Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th
“The people you are interested in will feel you communicative and you will earn certificates of esteem in all sectors of existence; not least, those connected to love! You can achieve good results, with whoever may be of interest to you, thanks to your positive propensity and your speaking skills.”


20 April to 20 May
Today, the Moon shows up in the astrological house of money, for Taurus… An opportunity for a new and interesting money-themed activity is approaching! Avoid that idleness makes it difficult to take advantage of the good opportunities that are being seen. Your wallet will thank you.


21 May to 21 June
There is a pleasant conjunction with the Moon, starting today… It would be a good idea to take full advantage of what is on offer at this juncture. On the horizon is the possibility of starting something you care a little about, in the professional sphere as in the love one.


22 June to 22 July
The Moon, your star ruler, is in the astrological house of hidden difficulties, starting from the day that is positive for you. Don’t trust too much the weather in January. You may have a cough… When you return to work, you will achieve what you have earned in spite of the spanners in the works!


23 July to 22 August
You will appear more communicative than usual and the circumstance will benefit you in all areas of life, especially those relating to love and affection … With your gift for speaking well, you will be ready to bewitch someone close to you who has shown himself uninterested, recently!


23 August to 22 September
As for you Virgos, there is a tiring Moon position, starting today… Why don’t you try to show superior constancy? The people you like will get the idea that you are less sincere than usual, considering that you demand to be intrigued by who knows who!


23 September to 22 October
From this day on, the night star is in an advantageous trine! People who know you will see you as more willing to communicate than usual and this observation will not fail to bear fruit in all areas of existence. In love, there will be very useful clarifications.


23 October to 21 November
For your sign of Water, our satellite enters the House of Inheritance this Monday… Collaborations with relatives are being deepened. You are in a position to receive relevant news regarding an essential aspect of common life! The daily reality will be optimized.


November 22nd to December 21st
An unsightly appearance of our satellite starts. If the current hardships (especially professional) are too tiring, don’t worry. There will be room for improvement soon! The people you’re interested in will think you’re too inclined to be stimulated by people you don’t know well.


22 December to 19 January
The nocturnal star is in the House of daily life. People who know you will find you have an excellent attention to detail. Any circumstance will go right in regards to professional tasks! You will then be very amiable when you dedicate yourself to intimacy.


20 January to 18 February
In any area of ​​life you will earn displays of affection. You will find that you are seen as confident as well as charismatic! During this period, you are allowed to be welcomed in personal relationships, with your sympathetic character and ability to talk.


19 February to 21 March
At the beginning of the week, an uncomfortable position of the nocturnal star begins, for you Little Fish… Why don’t you convince yourself to show greater solidity? Considering that you want to put yourself to the test, those who intrigue you will consider you less communicative than usual!

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