Zodiac Signs



March 21st to April 19th
For your Fire sign, there is an easy aspect of the nocturnal star, from this weekend day… Finally ends that extreme insecurity which, in recent days, had prevented you from placing yourselves on an equal footing with the people you liked best or had influence.


20 April to 20 May
There is a complicated aspect of the nocturnal star, for you Torelli, starting this Saturday. You will be a little proud in the presence of a person who – on the other hand – has always appreciated your humility. Instead of putting yourself on a pedestal, you should let everyone know you know how to listen!


21 May to 21 June
Today, a comfortable Moon aspect is starting for you Geminis. You are very nice and engaging. You will be able to fascinate a person who has not yet had the opportunity to observe your best features. If you also work on Saturdays, you will be able to impress the bosses positively.


22 June to 22 July
On this weekend day, your guiding star, the Moon, enters the field of money, for Cancer. You will be very generous. Be careful so that no one takes advantage of it! Do things with a minimum of selfishness, because you tend to have too little these days!


23 July to 22 August
Today, there is a very positive aspect of the Moon, for you Leos… You can get close to a person who has seemed a little shy lately, but who is waiting for your sign to make your relationship more intimate. But don’t be too explicit for now.


23 August to 22 September
For you Virgos, the Moon will pass through the House of Secret Enemies starting this weekend day… Don’t try too hard if you take advantage of the weekend to play sports. Energies are not at their peak at this time. A period of healthy rest will do you good.


23 September to 22 October
On the positive day of the week, for you Libra, an advantageous aspect of the night star begins… You are very courageous. People find you enterprising. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to get noticed, with your charm. An unexpected person has his eye on you.


23 October to 21 November
This Saturday, for you Scorpios, an uncomfortable position of the nocturnal star begins… Energies are not the usual ones. Don’t embark on too challenging adventures! You have to do small cabotage navigation even in eros, where you have to concentrate only on the fundamentals.


November 22nd to December 21st
You will have good interactions with someone who likes brave people. For your Fire sign, there’s a tasty Moon position, starting this weekend day. Your demeanor is pleasant and you appear sportier and healthier than usual.


22 December to 19 January
For you Capricorns, our satellite shows itself in the astrological house of regeneration, on the day of the week that is favorable for you! Your mood is much better and interpersonal relationships go smoother. On top of that, you look in better shape, physically.


20 January to 18 February
For you Aquarius, a complicated aspect of the nocturnal star forms on a lucky day for your sign… You are too excited: try to face situations with a little more humility. A person who usually listens to you will think that you don’t know how to respect other people’s time.


19 February to 21 March
The Moon transits, for your sign of Water, in the House of health and work, starting today. You will be able to be very concrete in the workplace. The same can be said in love. You will be able to fulfill the wishes of a person who recently was not very satisfied by others.

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