Zodiac Signs

Weekly Horoscope: What Will Be Your Lucky Day?

We scanned the stars to find out which day of the week from August 5 to 11, 2024 will bring you luck according to your astrological sign.

Yes, we know, Mercury retrograde starts on a Monday and it sounds like a computer error code. But rest assured, astrology is above all an art of interpretation: we can therefore find for each astrological sign a day that will bring them luck, this week.

What is my lucky day according to astrology?

Aries’ lucky day: Monday, August 5th

When the Moon is in a Fire sign, it is always a very good sign (no pun intended) for Aries. With the support of Mars (action) and Jupiter (luck) in Gemini, Aries is redoubled in motivation and could well move forward with a personal project this Monday.

Taurus’ lucky day: Tuesday, August 6

A trio of stars brings Taurus luck this Tuesday. The Moon (abundance), Venus (relationships) and Mercury (communication) are very close in Virgo (friendly Earth sign). The timing is ideal for getting closer to your loved ones or a specific person.

Gemini’s lucky day: Friday, August 9

Their favorite star is retrograde, yet Gemini can count on Jupiter, specifically this Friday. The planet of luck in duo with Mars propels Gemini, especially when the Moon in Libra gets involved at the end of the week. Productivity, energy, good humor: it’s an excellent combo for Gemini.

Cancer’s Lucky Day: Sunday, August 11

This Sunday is placed under the sign of anchoring, for Cancer. The stars that speak of emotional and material security (the Moon and Saturn) join forces to encourage Cancer to take a step back from his current worries and appreciate what he has.

Leo’s lucky day: Monday, August 5th

He still benefits from the presence of the Moon in his constellation after a particularly gentle New Moon in Leo: Leo is lucky this Monday. A beneficial effect especially on the heart and relationships side, thanks to the proximity of the Moon and Venus at the end of the day.

Virgo’s lucky day: Tuesday, August 6

Mercury may be retrograde, but that’s not Virgo’s problem. This Tuesday, she is under the protection of her lucky star, which ensures her unfailing thinking, but also of Venus. As a result, Virgo is easily convincing at work and very effective in seducing in private.

Libra’s Lucky Day: Friday, August 9

While the Moon, the star of creativity, crosses its constellation on Friday, Libra is also supported by Jupiter (luck) in Gemini. The day is perfect for expanding your network, and surrounding yourself with the right people to talk about a promising idea or get a project underway. Because Mars, the planet of initiative, pushes Libra to get started this Friday.

Scorpio’s lucky day: Sunday, August 11

A little creative boost from the Moon is not to be refused. Especially since this Sunday, Scorpio can also count on Venus and Mercury in friendly signs (Virgo) to tickle his artistic or romantic side.

Sagittarius’ lucky day: Monday, August 5

An optimistic start to the week awaits Sagittarius. The Moon (abundance) in Leo and Jupiter (luck) in Gemini reserve great opportunities for the cosmic centaur. A door opens for Sagittarius.

Capricorn’s lucky day: Tuesday, August 6

The accumulation of stars in Virgo offers Capricorn a helping hand this Monday. The idea? If there is a problem, this Tuesday is the ideal day to talk about it, contact the right people, and ask for help. Especially since with the support of Jupiter (good fortune), everything could be resolved much more easily.

Aquarius’ Lucky Day: Friday, August 9

A happy change could await Aquarius this Friday. Uranus (revolutions, novelty) joins forces with the duo formed by Venus (relationships) and Mercury (mental, dialogue) to shake things up in his personal life. A relationship could evolve and take an unexpected turn, a conversation could change everything.

Pisces’ lucky day: Sunday, August 11

The arrival of Venus in Virgo does not favor Pisces, but that does not matter: this Sunday serves as an oasis in their week. Saturn and the Moon allow the sign to focus on the essentials and take things as they come.

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