Zodiac Signs

What Is The Femininity Of Different Zodiac Signs? Just Super!

Everyone knows what it should be, but no one really can explain what it is. And all because femininity is very different, and each sign of the Zodiac has its own.


Aries Girl – Amazon. True, not quite the same Amazon from ancient Greek myths, which lets men close to her exactly for the flight of an arrow.

The Aries girl is not just a born hunter and warrior, she is also a very impulsive hunter and warrior. She will first Zashibet to death, and then she will consider who exactly this time fell under the hot hand. So everyone should stay away.


The Taurus girl is the Goddess. And that’s why. Firstly, the young Taurus ladies in some incomprehensible way manage to perform miracles that can be felt: all sorts of houses, cars, and jewelry.

Secondly, the Taurus lady needs to regularly make sacrifices, otherwise, she will be offended and send pestilence and all sorts of diseases to stupid mortals.

And, thirdly, the Taurus lady, like all goddesses, is not very kind. Although not evil. She just has such a job: she can arrange for anyone both a personal paradise and a personal hell. But everything is deserved and fair, rest assured.


The Gemini Girl is a Nymphet. An eternal teenager, and a real teenager, not a chrysalis with a well-preserved face. They have everything for real: a truly youthful rebellion and real, genuine madness. Sks, rock and roll … And even when the twin lady becomes a grandmother, her numerous “I” will continue to drink port wine on the porches, come to social events in leather jackets, fall in love, like for the first time – to death. And despise this stupid adult world.


Cancer Girl is Mother. The mother of all living things. She surrounds with truly maternal care all whom she considers close. But even those whom she does not consider as such can also count on her care if they need it. And this care has no limits and never will: Mother will protect her child from anyone.

So, the femininity of the Cancer girl is just a reference. And those whom the Cancer girl loves are rare lucky ones. Well, if they agree to accept their happiness entirely, with all conditions. The main one is not to go, damn it, without a hat!


Lion Girl – Queen. The femininity of the Lioness is truly regal because where she appears, all other women instantly cease to exist. That is, it is the Lioness who thinks so that they cease to exist, and behaves accordingly. However, the Lionesses have a lot of undeniable advantages.

But it is worth it because queens, in fact, not only sit on thrones, looking down on everyone.

They also govern the state and subjects. And these same subjects they sometimes execute. So if you don’t want to go to the scaffold, praise the Lioness more often. Sometimes it works.


Virgo –A wise woman. Yes, yes, that same wise woman that everyone wants to become, but no one succeeds. Because no one knows how.

And Virgo knows what real wisdom is: it is reinforced concrete logic, analytical thinking, pumped to the level of “god”, truly espionage observation, and phenomenal memory.

Virgo has it all. Therefore it is Virgo who “surfs the expanses of the universe on a spaceship.” So far, some people have practiced a cargo cult and collected airplanes from clay and branches.


Libra Girl – Turgenev’s young lady. A gentle and quivering creature, a fragile angel, a creature that needs to be protected from this evil, soulless world. Well, at the moment when she enters this world, of course. Which is extremely rare, to be honest.

Libra girls can create their separate universe, in which ponies with rainbow manes live and fairies scatter magical pollen. And there, in this beautiful world, everything is fine with Libra. But they won’t let you in. Well, maybe only for special merits.

For example, for the ability to create beauty and peace around you. And for the ability to distinguish a dessert knife from a fish fork.


What is the femininity of different signs of the Zodiac? Scorpio is a Vamp Woman. A femme fatale, a witch, and a sex bomb – three in one, all shades of femininity and 50 shades of gray too.

The Scorpio girl successfully combines all the qualities that are usually attributed to women, without making any distinction between positive and negative.

In general, this is a beautiful, but insidious and incomprehensible creature, extremely attractive to the same. Killer femininity.

A nuclear mushroom – in the sense that if you see it, then wrapping yourself in a sheet or crawling to the side is already a bit too late. Stand still, now you will be incinerated.


The Sagittarius Girl is a Courtesan (in a good way, of course). All other signs believe that femininity is a kind of ephemeral substance built into every young lady by default, and the Sagittarius young lady does not think so.

In her understanding, femininity is something useful: well, some people know how to literally cook dinner for 12 people out of nothing, or they train cats brilliantly.

And the Sagittarius lady knows how to be feminine. And, when she needs it for some reason. And when Sagittarius turns on the “I’m such a girl-girl” mode, everyone around falls and stacks up.

However, Sagittarius girls rarely use this technique. They have enough others. For all occasions.


The Capricorn girl is the Muse. The real muse, true. Not the one that the poets sang, but the one from which these very poets hid under the table and, covering themselves with manuscripts, begged, “Please stop!” Because the Capricorn girl does not come to those who have only a gift, but to those who, in addition to the gift, also have nerves of steel.

These are the girls Capricorn loves. She inspires them to the best of her ability, and she has more strength than a herd of draft horses. But on the other hand, if you don’t run into too much (do not argue with the Muse), then you can find out that she is the most chosen and sweet cat.


What is the femininity of different signs of the Zodiac? Aquarius girl – ” Athlete, Komsomol member, and just beautiful .” In it, everything but everything is changeable. Only one thing remains unchanged: Aquarius always anneals not childishly.

They don’t even dream of peace, it is dreamed of by all those who decide to connect their lives with the Aquarius girl. Sometimes dreams.

In unbearably long, viscous nightmares, after which you wake up in a cold sweat. Because if the Aquarius girl suddenly calms down for some reason, then wait, it will strike soon!


What is the femininity of different signs of the Zodiac? Pisces Girl – Actress. And not just an actress, but a real prima who broadcasts the mantra “A woman must be feminine!” to the world. And he does it so skillfully that it begins to seem to us that the world of fashion and beauty was created exclusively for Rybka. But it’s all a game.

There is no reference to femininity, no “real woman”. The Pisces Girl hides eighteen rows of razor-sharp shark teeth behind her perfectly painted lips. And with them, she will easily and simply bite the spine of anyone, if necessary, of course.

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