Zodiac Signs

What Are The Astrological Signs Born In October And What Is Their Character?

Not sure what your little brother’s astrological sign is? Here are the two astrological signs that rule the month of Halloween. And they couldn’t be more different from each other.

With these two, the month of October represents two rooms and two atmospheres. There is the beginning of October, its photogenic brightness, and the joy of getting out your jackets and sweaters left in the closet. And then the days leading up to Halloween (or Samhain ), which begin the entry into the hardness of autumn and precede the Day of the Dead. The two astrological signs born in October wonderfully represent the tenuous link that exists between the zodiac and the seasons.

Note that the dates of the astrological signs are given here for information purposes only, but they vary by a day or two depending on the year. To be sure of having the right astrological sign, the safest thing is to refer to the ephemeris of your year of birth. That being said, we present to you “The Beauty and the Beast of the Zodiac”.

Born until October 22nd: Libra

A sign of balance, it is only natural that Libra stands in the middle of the zodiac. The seventh astrological sign, like its constellation, represents the constant search for harmony. It is not for nothing that the Libra season begins at the autumn equinox when night and day are equal in the daytime. Hence Libra’s gentle and nuanced temperament, its talent for doing things by halves and finding compromises in all situations. Because Libra is the balanced alliance of beauty and intelligence. The first is conferred on it by its “cosmic fairy godmother”, Venus, a star of the arts, aesthetics, and charm.

The second is more related to the element associated with Libra: Air, that of the mind. For better or for worse. Always weighing the pros and cons, comparing all possible alternatives, and analyzing the behavior of others to adapt to them, Libra can be as tired as it is tiring. In love, one of its favorite areas, it can thus be hesitant for a long time, looking for the little beast where there is none. Finally, the last component of the personality of this sign, and undoubtedly the only one that brings Libra closer to the other sign of October: is its very Venusian creativity. It loves beauty, whether it is spaces or small insignificant everyday objects. With it, everything is thought out, harmonized, and calibrated to bring maximum harmony and visual pleasure.

Born from October 23rd: Scorpio

Harmony is not necessarily part of his creative palette. Scorpio takes over from Libra at the end of October, but to be much more whole and radical. With this impulsive and determined Water sign (emotions), it’s more like “all or nothing”. Especially since Scorpio enjoys a special place in the zodiac since many astrologers agree that it belongs to two elements: Water and Fire. Why? Its ruling planet has long been Mars, with passion, audacity, and fury. Even after the discovery of Pluto, Mars continued to be symbolically linked to Scorpio. The proverb that suits him perfectly? “Beware of still waters.” An introverted temperament that prefers to stay in the background to observe others and analyze the situation, but bubbling inside.

Pluto, the star of the depths symbolizing what is buried and “macerating” grants Scorpio a dense inner life. His thing? Always digging deeper, going deeper, and dissecting to the extreme. An analytical capacity and a curiosity that is often compared to those of the sign of Virgo, another methodical and finely observant sign. Scorpio, as a worthy heir to Pluto (god of the Underworld and lord of underground riches), is not satisfied with remaining on the surface. In his work, his hobbies, and his relationships, he is a “hardliner” in search of authenticity, of truth. Sometimes a little too much, hence a slightly obsessive or pessimistic side. When he does not keep everything to himself, the sign of Scorpio gives the best of himself in psychology, research, and the arts, especially those that involve transforming something. Because we can never say it enough, the characteristic of Scorpio is metamorphosis.

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