Zodiac Signs

What Is A Supermoon And What Is Its Impact, According To Astrology?

On August 19, 2024, there will be a Full Moon like no other: it is a supermoon. What is this astronomical phenomenon, and its significance in astrology?

“Tonight is the supermoon,” your colleague whispered to you, overexcited, during your coffee break. Every time a supermoon is announced, there’s the same craze: the Web goes wild. But do you know what makes this Full Moon such a special lunation? We’ll explain what makes a Moon “super” or not, and its particularity according to astrology to shine in society. Or at least, during your lunch break.

Super Moon: Not such a rare event

No need to worry, the Moon is not going to fall on our heads, “by Toutatis”. It is a fairly frequent astronomical event (3 to 4 times a year) called perigee-syzygy. In short, the Moon orbits the Earth on an oval axis, moving away from it and closer to it at regular intervals. When the satellite is closest to the Earth, it is therefore a supermoon. Not to be confused with a Blue Moon, which is an exceptional thirteenth Full Moon in a year that generally only has 12. Scientifically, it just means that we see the Moon slightly larger than usual. Astrologically speaking, this means an amplification of the meanings of the Full Moon.

Super Moon: A Spotlight

In astrology, each lunar phase carries a specific symbolism. That of the Full Moon? Accomplishment, joy, success, radiance… In short, while the New Moon lays the foundations and plants the seeds, the moment of the “full sun” of the Moon represents the harvest of our efforts. During the Full Moon, the themes associated with our satellite in astrology redouble in importance: we become aware of our emotions, we are more attentive to our dreams, and we let our creativity express itself. With a super Moon, all of this would therefore be increased tenfold, more intense, more vivid. This cosmic event would therefore be the time or never to listen to yourself and your loved ones, to take care of yourself and your inner world.

But the interpretation of a supermoon, in astrology, also takes into account other factors. The zodiac constellation where the Moon is located at that moment influences its meaning. The current axis of the lunar nodes and the angles that the Moon forms with the rest of the celestial bodies interpreted in astrology also count. In short: remember that each Full Moon and each supermoon are unique.

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