Zodiac Signs

What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Sense Of Humor

Rather absurd humor, schoolboy jokes, or subtle witticisms? Astrology does not only speak about love or work. The stars can also say a lot about what makes you laugh according to your astrological sign.

“He who laughs, Aries laughs best ” is the kind of phrase that makes Gemini and Pisces laugh, but not Virgo. How do we know that? Astrology isn’t just there to provide us with detailed monthly horoscopes or to tell us if we’re compatible with our current crush. All signs have a way of being and preferences, whether it’s decorating, flirting, and yes, even humor. Some prefer slightly heavy jokes, others swear by elaborate jokes or jokes full of references to their favorite movies.

You’ll notice that we wrote “all signs” and not “all people born under these signs.” You may be a Sagittarius, but you’re not just that, even in the eyes of the stars. We also recommend that you take a look at the favorite jokes of your ascendant and your Mercury sign. So, does your sense of humor resemble your astrological chart?

These three astrological signs have a schoolboy sense of humor.

We would have liked to write “heavy humor”, but we watched our language just in case. Because among this trio, there is the one with whom we prefer not to joke too much: Aries. His thing is humor that is in your face, basic, simple, and effective. A rough Fire sign, he does not like it when jokes drag on. Don’t lose him with puns and other witticisms, he loves “fart boxes”, the late show “Video Gag” and videos of people tripping over the internet.

Sagittarius is also a fan of schoolboy humor, even trivial. Cosmic centaurs are even known (or even recognized) for their mastery of heaviness. Their secret weapon? The lame jokes that we have heard a thousand times but that make them howl with laughter. Taurus also never tires of saying “See you next year” to everyone, at the end of December. This pragmatic and routine-oriented Earth sign cannot resist the comedy of repetition and will always laugh at the same dialogues of “Les Bronzés font du ski”. Year after year.

Beware of the subtle humor of these two signs.

Unlike Sagittarius or Aries, these two hate vulgarity: you have no chance of making them laugh that way. Worse, you will drop drastically in their esteem. Especially that of Virgo. Discreet to the point that she has the reputation of being boring, Virgo is nevertheless one of the funniest of the zodiac. Deadpan outbursts and chilling punchlines thrown out without seeming to, Virgo often surprises. Virgo likes to throw punchlines without seeming to, with an icy face. Her thing? Observation. She points out small contradictions and small details. On the other hand, she can be a bit literal so a story about a shark entering a bar has no chance of making her laugh because “it’s impossible” or worse: inaccurate. Oh, and we prefer to clarify: 1. Her humor is based on her judgment of others, 2. She judges the humor of others abundantly. But all in subtlety, of course.

Libra also has a taste for subtle laughter and delicate jokes. Even if she laughs willingly at almost everything, for good measure, you will get a real laugh from her if you do it with finesse. She uses her humor sparingly. And gloves. And tweezers. Her fear of offending sometimes prevents her from joking spontaneously, but she uses her elegant sense of humor to get closer to people and… as a diplomatic weapon. Yes, if Libra tries to seduce or convince you, her talent is to adapt to your sense of humor. “Fart boxes” excluded.

Beware of the sharp humor of these four zodiac signs.

It’s best not to be too touchy with this quartet. First, we have the irreverent duo par excellence: Gemini and Aquarius. These Air signs are like humor that shakes things up, questions things as they are, and political jokes that make fun of the most powerful. The Gemini sign, one of the funniest of the zodiac, is the teasing type. If he’s constantly teasing you, it’s because he likes you. A bit childish, he also has a passion for imitations and wordplay. And since he has the memory of an elephant, he remembers the hilarious movie dialogues. Aquarius is also provocative. His offbeat point of view on things is felt in his way of joking.

Not as irreverent as the first two, Capricorn and Scorpio are distinguished by their dark humor. They are the kings of self-mockery. A bit masochistic, if the joke hits where it hurts, they ask for more. Their outlook on life oscillates between “a little too lucid” and “downright pessimistic”, so humor based on sad reality amuses them. Especially since Scorpio uses humor to exorcise his (many) existential anxieties.

These two signs have a childish sense of humor… but get offended quickly.

Much like Taurus, they cherish the same jokes for years, sometimes since they were little. Leo and Cancer are fans of the same jokes as their 2-year-old nieces and they are not ashamed of it. We can tell them that their joke is too childish for this professional meeting, but they find that their idea of ​​exploding firecrackers is hilarious. With his talent for comedy, Leo is also a fan of jokes that unfold over the long term, like a story. His passion? Stand-up shows. His gift? Character impersonations.

Cancer, on the other hand, has a weakness for “private jokes” – those little jokes that we keep between close friends and that strengthen ties… while excluding others. On the other hand, he hates not being included. Yes, because we haven’t mentioned it yet: Leo and Cancer love to laugh, but don’t you dare laugh at them or without them. They are touchy and will get offended like lice.

This Zodiac Sign Has a Misunderstood Sense of Humor

When you are sometimes told that he “lives in his world”, we are hardly exaggerating. The sensitive Pisces is at least as eccentric as Aquarius but does not have his sense of reality or communication. So sometimes, it falls flat. Too bad, his sense of imagination makes him very prolific as soon as he has to develop a funny story, but he is the type to get lost in the details and miss the punchline because he no longer remembers it. The hilarious jokes he knows came to him in a dream, and inevitably, it never works the same in real life.

What makes him laugh? Absurd humor. If a movie scene doesn’t make sense, the dialogue doesn’t hold up or the context is completely out of step with the story: that’s his guilty pleasure. And he never laughs at the same times as everyone else at the movies. In short, we sometimes have trouble following Pisces’ humor. What we don’t know as much is that he doesn’t find us as funny as we think. But he’s so nice that he won’t dare tell you that he didn’t understand why you’re laughing.

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