Zodiac Signs

Who you will marry, depending on your zodiac sign

When you think of the ideal man, the one you would like to marry, what goes through your mind?

Your zodiac sign can tell you what kind of person you’re attracted to and, most likely, who you’re most likely to marry!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Your Future Husband: Aries or Libra.

You are attracted to men with athletic bodies and you easily fall in love with those who have a strong will to carve out life.

You also seek affection and intimacy in your relationship. Your partner will be charismatic and adventurous. You will find yourself attracted to a person who has both power and money.

You can often attract men who have the sun or other planets in Aries, only the relationship with them will be strewn with numerous battles, but with mutual respect, you can solve your communication problems.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Your Future Husband: Taurus or Scorpio.

You attract men willing to do good. Your partner may be traditionalist and slightly stubborn. This person will make sure you have everything you need. It is possible to marry a man who wants to have children and who sees the relationship with you as a partnership.

Your partner may be prone to jealousy and this will need to be resolved by both of you. He wants you to look good and he will want to give you the same.

The relationship with your future husband will be one based on external beauty and comfort. Your marriage may have a touch of superficiality, but at the same time, a lot of financial security. 

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

Your Future Husband: Gemini or Sagittarius.

Be prepared for a wedding full of fun, friendship and good conversation. You will most likely meet someone who has your personality traits, such as a Gemini too.

Astrology also says that you might get divorced one day, but you will remarry. You like dynamic interaction and close intimacy, but sometimes you also like to have your space.

Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Your Future Husband: Cancer or Capricorn.

Family means a lot to you. Not only will you attract a man who is a staunch family man, but you will also want him to be affectionate and caring.

In the beginning of your life you will be close to your parents or family members, in whose bosom you feel safe. Then, you’ll want a partner who replaces them, who protects you and who opens up to you. 

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

Your future husband: Leo or Aquarius.

You will attract a partner who respects you as much as you respect him. You won’t accept having to wait to do your chores.

You will have a husband with leadership skills, but you will also marry a man who likes to live life and have fun.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

Your Future Husband: Virgo or Pisces.

You are picky when it comes to the man you marry. At times, you may perceive your partner as overly critical of you.

Health issues will be important to you. If your marriage is experiencing a lot of stress, you will carry that burden on your shoulders as well. Your future spouse may be someone who struggles with a health problem early in life, and you will need to be that person’s primary source of comfort and support.

You want to be with someone who has the ability to take care of the people around him, and in turn, you’ll enjoy being able to take care of him because that’s your nature.

You want a wedding that involves tradition, but you also want to have a say in what it means to you.

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

Your Future Husband: Libra or Aries.

You will be lucky when it comes to love. You are a dedicated and loyal partner who seeks fairness in romantic relationships. You don’t want someone who tries to control you, although you can be jealous at times. You are attracted to beauty and you won’t settle for someone who doesn’t take care of himself. You are charming and love the finer things in life.

You want a future husband who will take care of you and who will support you. You will marry a person who will become even more special to you with time.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

Your Future Husband: Scorpio or Taurus.

You are attracted to passionate and powerful men. You can get lost when it comes to love. You are a seductive person and you have a fantastically rich and deep life.

You cannot have a partner who is only close to you for a period of time. You want it all or nothing and you want someone who always chooses you and only you.

You may not love your spouse to the fullest, but with time you will find the perfect balance. Your marriage will be filled with deep passion and commitment that develops over time, but not without a few bumps along the way. 

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Your Future Husband: Sagittarius or Gemini.

You are the intelligent, cerebral half of your relationship. You will enjoy marrying someone deeply spiritual, who travels the world and understands the culture.

You will enjoy a marriage where life and learning together are explored. You won’t want to be with someone who is boring or too mundane for you.

You might meet your future spouse in college and go through a long-distance relationship. In such a situation, there may be times when you feel a little distant from your future husband. You might be with someone or marry someone who needs a lot of space.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Your Future Husband: Cancer or Capricorn.

You are a rather cautious person, not one who falls in love easily. However, when you do, you are dedicated and devoted.

You are the type of woman who would give up her life for her partner. You would do anything for your family and expect the same from your future husband.

You will most likely marry late in life because you are waiting for the right person. It will come, just later. 

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Your Future Husband: Aquarius or Leo.

You might marry someone from another culture. Your husband will have artistic qualities. You will not be content to marry someone who is just like everyone else, they need to stand out, stand on their own two feet and embrace their unique individuality.

At times, you will appear distant and unreachable to others. However, this is on the surface because deep down you long for a strong connection and want to marry your best friend.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

Your Future Husband: Pisces or Virgo.

You can be too idealistic when it comes to love. You may struggle to keep both feet on the ground.

If you take this to the extreme, your partner may seem to never live up to your expectations. This can lead to an unhappy marriage.

You have to believe in love to receive it. You are a spiritual person and long for a mind-body, spirit-to-spirit connection with your future spouse.

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