Zodiac Signs

10 stars born under the sign of Leo

It’s the season of the Lion, so let’s celebrate it properly!

Leo is obviously also the king of the zodiac. Leo is anyone born between July 23 and August 22. So if your birthday is around this time, happy birthday!

Leo is a strong and interesting zodiac sign. Due to the general characteristics, this sign is perfect for celebrities. It’s no surprise that so many stars were born under this sign, given that Leos love the limelight.

People are drawn to them in the same way that audiences are drawn to celebrities and notable figures in history.

Leos are also natural leaders, and the celebrities on this list are not only leaders in the political realm but also public figures who have led in their fields. Another Leo trait is creativity, which is why most of the famous people listed here are music, film, and television artists. Anyone can see that they were born with this grace, which was to be shared with the whole world!

Here are the amazing personalities born under your sign and discover what qualities you share with them!

1. Meghan Markle

The American actress lived the dream of many young women when she married Prince Harry and became a real princess. Certainly, the characteristics of her zodiac sign helped her a lot during her journey!

2. Barack Obama

Barack Obama was the 44th President of the United States and his birthday is August 4th. It makes sense that he decided to run, as Leo is known for his leadership skills.

3. Jennifer Lopez

J. Lo. is a multi-talented artist, who not only won us over with music and acting but is also an exceptional businesswoman. Many of the projects in which she has been involved in recent years have to do with the job of producer.

4. Jennifer Lawrence

The Oscar-winning actress and star of the “Hunger Games” series deserve her place on this list. Not only does he shine in the films he plays in, but he is also an extremely pleasant presence in interviews, shows, or events. The fact that she almost always has fun at her expense shows how much she trusts herself and reveals her boldness.

5. Daniel Radcliffe

The guy who starred in Harry Potter is a Leo! Daniel was born on July 23rd, which is the first day of the Leo season in the zodiac calendar. He is a big star, but at the same time, he is also very private. He values ​​privacy and thus explains why he is not interested in always being the center of attention.

6. Whitney Houston

The greatest voice of all time, Whitney Houston, was a Leo. We may have lost her in 2012, but her music lives on!

7. Madonna

Madonna is a trendsetter and has been active in music for more than 30 years. The pop star continues to perform worldwide!

8. Chris Hemsworth

The handsome Australian actor, who is known for his role as Thor, is just as adorable in his private life. He is an excellent husband and father, and also the brother of another celebrity, Liam Hemsworth.

9. Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock is our favorite FBI agent. She is talented, funny, and beautiful. Her professional career is impressive and she hasn’t stopped surprising us even now!

10. Robert DeNiro

The Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, The Godfather II, and Raging Bull actor was born on August 17th. Although the actor tends to be more of a private figure when it comes to the limelight, he embraces creativity in the most Leo-worthy way, which is through excellent acting work!

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