Zodiac Signs

5 signs that take advantage of people’s kindness. Don’t let them manipulate you!

Kindness is often underappreciated and yet it is one of the greatest qualities we can have!

Being kind can be scary because there are people who will take advantage of others’ kindness, sometimes to the extent that the person in question will end up regretting being kind.

Astrology is a great way to determine which signs take advantage of the kindness of people.
However, there are also situations where some people may not realize that they are manipulating someone. Their thinking is selfish and they don’t consider what they might cause, while others know exactly what they are doing and don’t care who they hurt.

Narcissists often take advantage of the kindness of others and think nothing of it.

It’s second nature to them. Taking advantage of someone’s kindness in their favor is something normal for them and these manipulators have several ways to convince their victims. 

5 zodiac signs that take advantage of people’s kindness:


We know that Scorpios are manipulative, and we also know that when provoked, they will use all their weapons to achieve their goal, no matter what it is. They will take advantage of someone else’s kindness and may even have a cynical view of it.

If confronted, Scorpios won’t lie outright, but they will deny their fault or shift it onto someone else so that person ends up doubting what they thought they really did.


If they thought more before acting, Gemini would find even more ways to take advantage of someone’s kindness. When they act like this, they will create a diversion.

If asked a pointed question, they will turn it around until the subject is completely changed and the questioner is promptly removed.


Libra wants everyone to be happy and that includes her. If he takes advantage of someone’s kindness, he doesn’t think it’s a bad thing. Libra tends to manipulate others by using her charm and her natural ability to give someone the praise she expects in exchange for achieving her goal.

In Libra’s mind, she vows to someday get back at the person she took advantage of, but now she has to take care of herself.


If a Sagittarius needs a place to stay and there are no hotels available, they will take advantage of a friend’s offer to stay the night at their place. If Sagittarius needs to stay longer, they will take advantage of the person’s kindness and force things.

In the mind of Sagittarius, he is a wonderful guest and so delightful that everyone wins. It goes without saying that no matter how generous a host is, it’s still hard to have strangers in your home, especially for a long time.


Pisces never intend to take advantage of someone’s kindness, but they tend to play the victim. Pisces will use their hardships in life to gain sympathy so they can get what they want.

They just think they’re being honest about their suffering, but they’re really taking advantage of their unhappiness.

However, once they realize what they are doing, Pisces will feel terrible and try to get back at the person they manipulated.

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