Zodiac Signs

Autumn Is Off To A Difficult Start For These Two Astrological Signs

The equinox is about to redistribute the cards. An atmosphere that is far from pleasing our two least fortunate astrological signs of the week of September 19 to 26, 2024 according to Jean-Yves Espié’s horoscope.

Change of scenery. The Sun leaves serious Virgo for delicate Libra, autumn officially sets in, eclipse season is looming and Venus arrives in Scorpio on September 23. There is movement in the sky this week. The equinox delights certain astrological signs for whom the arrival of Libra season brings luck, but not everyone can say the same. Two members of the zodiac could face a little slump. The fading light and the falling leaves (already) are very little for these two spring natives. But they can rest assured, that this hard blow is only temporary and if they follow the advice of Jean-Yves Espié, they could well get back on their feet faster than expected.

The arrival of Libra season is complicated for this astrological sign.

And that’s an understatement. The start of the school year has been a real challenge for this sign, who now thought they would see all their projects come to fruition. Aries are sometimes surprised that their rock-solid motivation isn’t enough to get things moving, and that they’re not at the end of their troubles. From September 22, the Sun (symbol of energy) will be in its opposite sign, Libra. The go-getter Aries must then do what they hate: make compromises. This week asks the first sign of the zodiac to deal with their frustrations, the unexpected, and slowdowns.

Especially since Mars, his favorite planet and that of action gravitates in Cancer territory: a sensitive sign turned towards his inner world. “If the influence of the red planet brings you contradictory energies, rest assured, the planet of luck [Jupiter] is on your side, and your projects will succeed if you do not seek to rush things”, qualifies Jean-Yves Espié. He reminds us that “Mars brings you this vital force which allows you to overcome obstacles”. Despite the discomfort of this moment and the misunderstandings that result from it, Jupiter in Gemini always keeps an eye on things. Patience and reflection before acting are required. It is timely, Mercury in Virgo helps you to flesh out your strategy and focus on your objectives. It is the time to make lists as if your life depended on it.

Horoscope: The equinox pushes this astrological sign to its limits

It’s been a long time since he found himself at the bottom of the rankings, luck-wise: the sign of Taurus is going to have to hang on in there, in the coming days. If he felt fatigued and annoyance gradually rising, the entry of his favorite planet into his opposite and polar sign is about to confirm the trend. “The arrival of Venus in the opposite sector accentuates your receptivity,” explains Jean-Yves Espié. In Scorpio, the star of relationships gives Taurus an exacerbated sensitivity, conducive to triggering conflicts over nothing and making mountains out of molehills. Everything is more lively, more intense. “Don’t take things too much to heart, it will make your exchanges easier,” advises the astrologer before adding: “Avoid power struggles and favor diplomacy.”

That’s good, the Sun enters Libra and encourages us to lay things out flat, to smooth out the rough edges in daily human relationships. The end of Virgo season (a friendly Earth sign) therefore promises to be complicated for Taurus, but a vector of progress. More receptive, Taurus is, and this surplus of perspicacity and sensitivity allows him to detect opportunities that he did not see before. Especially since the planet of changes always pushes Taurus to reinvent himself. “Thanks to Uranus, objectives become clearer, put the odds, gently, on your side.” Our advice? Cut down on the caffeine and reread this text before sending it hot off the press.

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