Zodiac Signs

Signs that he is in love with you according to his zodiac sign. Astrology reveals his true feelings to you

One thing must be clear from the start: men do not express their feelings easily. They constantly leave us confused about what they feel!

Aries(March 21 – April 20)

Aries will let you know that he is in love with you as traditionally as he can. But at the same time, since he won’t show any emotion, you will remain confused and frustrated.

Even if he puts his arm around your waist in public, he will only introduce you as his girlfriend, not his girlfriend. And he’ll take you out on a date, he’ll just suggest you meet up there, and it probably won’t be the most romantic place.

But that’s how he acts in public, so to figure out his true feelings you have to pay close attention to his actions in private.

Maybe he’ll bring you flowers, cook a special meal for you, or play with your hair while you watch a movie. This is how you can tell that an Aries loves you.

Taurus(April 21 – May 21)

Taurus will let everyone else know how they feel before you know it.

He might get jealous when he sees you talking to someone else, so he’ll come right up to you and put his arm around you. A clear signal to the other guy that he cares about you and should back off.

And you’ll feel safe and comfortable around him because he wants to protect you. It will be quite obvious that he loves you by his actions. 

Gemini(May 22 – June 21)

With the Gemini native, it’s pretty easy to tell if he’s in love with you because he just can’t get enough of you.

He will call and text you constantly to see what’s going on and to know about you.

You also probably already have plans for the next month, whether it’s a trip or a movie date.

And the most telling sign, he’s ditching a night out with the boys to stick with you. 


Cancer(June 22 – July 21)

Cancer is a super sensitive guy, although he will never admit it. But his emotions will let you know when he is totally in love with you.

He doesn’t like to see you upset, and if he’s the one who upsets you, he’ll move mountains to try to make you happy again.

You’ll surprise him by always looking at you, even if he doesn’t realize he’s doing it.

He will also find any excuse to touch you, like brushing your hair out of your face or touching your hand when he gives you something. 

Leo(July 22 – August 22)

When a Leo is in love with you, he will brag about you in front of everyone. His friends and family are sick of hearing how amazing you are.

Of course, he won’t care about it and will continue to talk about you and compliment you.

He also likes to remind you how much you fascinate him.

Virgo(August 23 – September 22)

The Virgo native is not very good at expressing feelings, so the small details matter the most to him.

You will have to pay close attention to find out if he likes you or not, which may take some time to become apparent.

These signs might include bringing you coffee even when you didn’t ask for it, or buying your favorite flower that you only mentioned once.

They might even quote from your favorite movie or sing a line from your favorite song. These are all classic signs that he is in love with you. 

Libra(September 23 – October 22)

The Libra native is very romantic, so he will most likely shower you with attention.

Even when you go out with a large group of people, he will always be close to you and make you feel like you are the only person there.

He is also the man of romantic dates, the ones with flowers and chocolate.

Scorpio(October 23 – November 21)

The Scorpio man is mysterious, but the only thing about him that is not a mystery is that he is terrified of love. However, there are some signs that will let you know when he has fallen for you.

Do you suddenly seem to know a lot about him, even more than some of his closest friends? This mysterious man trusted you enough to open up to you and let you into his world. And that’s because he likes you!

Scorpio will only open up to the people they care about the most, so consider yourself special!

Sagittarius(November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius falls in love quickly, so don’t be surprised that after only a few weeks of dating, he will tell you that he loves you.

You may think that everything is happening much too quickly and you may not be ready to respond in the same way.

Sagittarius knows that he falls in love quickly and that you probably think that his feelings are not real. But, take it as it comes, because if he said those magic words, it means it’s as real as it gets.

Capricorn(December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn does his best to let you know he’s in love with you. You will never be confused about his feelings for you because he has already told you how it is.

He told you how much he loved you, wrote you lots of love notes, gave you flowers, and introduced you to his family.

There’s nothing he does that he hasn’t informed you about. 

Aquarius(January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius may not tell you that they like or love you at all. He is terrified of being hurt, so he keeps his feelings to himself.

There aren’t many signs that he’s interested in you, at least not obvious ones.

So if you love an Aquarius and want to know if he feels the same way about you, you’ll have to make the first move.

Pisces(February 19 – March 20)

When the Pisces native starts putting your needs and desires above his own, it’s confirmation that he loves you.

He loves being in love and never wants to leave the honeymoon stage.

He will shower you with gifts and you will spend a lot of time with each other, including on social media.

There is no denying that he is in love with you and it will be obvious to everyone around you. 


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